Part 42- Information.

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It's day 17 and the mission is starting to get a little boring. We were told to stay here until we had enough information to understand what Loki was doing working with Hydra.
A number of high influence members of Hydra had joined the building and I used my knowledge to identify them.
I wasn't allowed any contact with the avengers in case we were being tracked, the only contact we could make was with Director Fury and that had to be through Agent Hill.
I'll admit, being away from Wanda and Natasha for this long was painful. I spent all my time with them so to find I couldn't even speak to them was hard.

Hill- you doing okay?
Y/N- yeah, just getting a little impatient
Hill- I understand, you didn't think it was going to be like this.
I look out the window and notice a van heading towards us
Y/N- I think our cover has been blown, pack the boxes up and I'll get them to safety. I'll come back for you
She nods and we pack the boxes up quickly before I teleport them elsewhere. I went to my house in England, I had an underground bunker built in which only I could access through a retinal scan. This was the safest place for them.

I got them into the bunker and teleported back to see Hill under fire, I immediately join the fight but we are being overrun.
Hill- GO!
Y/N- I'm not leaving you
Before I knew, everything had gone black.

I wake up in unfamiliar surroundings, the floor is wet and so are all my clothes, it was cold and dark. Hill wasn't anywhere to be seen but I could hear shouting in the distance, I look down to see a cuff around my arm. I try using my powers but nothings working, they knew what I was and have stopped me from doing what I could.
The door creaks open and two guards walk in, they pick me up and push me towards the door and I walk towards where they want me to go.

Narrator POV-
Agent Hill is tied to a chair, blood coming from her nose and mouth.
Guard- stop there
You follow the instructions hoping they'll be kind but one hits the back of your leg causing you to fall to the floor. Another comes over and rips your shirt off leaving you in jeans and your bra
Y/N- needed something to look at?
The guard slaps you
Guard- stop talking
He chains your hands together and attached the chain to a hook, he walks over to the crank and pulls you up off the floor. Your feet barely graze the floor as they lift you higher up.
Guard- Why are you watching us?
You don't answer, the guard signals to one of his men and he grabs a bat
Y/N- is that supposed to scare me?

The guard strikes you with the bat hitting you directly in the ribs
Y/N- oh you motherfucker
Guard- Why are you here?
Y/N- we came on holiday, lovely time of year for it
The beating continues as you remain uncooperative, you take majority of the beating as Hill watches on.

They were using multiple techniques but nothing could make you talk.
Y/N- well this has been fun boys
Guard- tell us what you know
Y/N- that's a broad question, you should really be more specific
Guard- there were files in your room but they were empty, where are they?
Y/N- ooo good question, now that's a secret only grown ups can keep

Hill POV-
Being tied to a chair wasn't what I had planned for this mission, we had worked well together and I thought we had kept ourselves hidden. Maybe they traced the phone calls to Fury or did Y/N break rules and ring home?
She might be a little crazy and majorly wreckless but she follows orders. I knew this wasn't her fault.

Guard- if you don't start talking then we will hurt your friend
Y/N- she doesn't know anything
Guard- you do though?
Y/N- I know loads of things
Guard- tell me
Y/N- the capital of England is London
They start beating her again, she was stalling in the hope someone was going to find us but her tactics were off, they'd kill her before the avengers arrived.
Guard- we know who you are Sonny
Y/N- that's nice
Guard- we know the avengers sent you to spy on us
Y/N- well it seems you know everything, why don't you let us go?

She was trying her hardest to get information out of them and they were giving her everything. I have to admit, I've been impressed by her. She may have been trained by Hydra but she had developed her own skills and they didn't know how to deal with her.
One of the guards takes a call and comes back lowering Y/N back to the ground. They untie me and take us back to the room we started in.

Hill- are you okay?
Y/N- peachy, never felt better
She laughs but I can see the pain on her face.
Hill- I don't think making them angry is going to help
Y/N- we've missed two check ins, the avengers should already know we are missing 

Tony's POV-
I've just finished a call with Director Fury and it wasn't good news.
Tony- Jarvis, call Steve and Clint to the meeting room
I went straight to tracking Hills phone in the hope she still had it.
Steve- what's going on?
Tony- Y/N and Agent Hill are missing, they've not checked in for 12 hours.
Steve- do we know what happened?
Tony- we have no idea, I'm sending you and Clint there to see if you can find anything
Clint- have you told the girls?
Nat- told us what?

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