Part 19- The Event

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Two weeks have passed since Nat was shot, I've been spending most of my time with her making sure her recovery was going to plan.
Wanda has barely spoken to me but that's understandable, she asked for time so it's what I've given her

Nat- Y/N?
Y/N- what's up?
Nat- Tony is hosting a charity event tonight and all the avengers have to be there but I need you to clear me medically first
Y/N- you should be fine, sit down when you can and no drinking. Not even one shot Natasha
Nat- you know, you are the only one I let call me Natasha
Y/N- oh I must be so special
I laugh as we head into the kitchen
Nat- have you thought about Tony's offer anymore?
Y/N- I don't know what to do, it would be a way to redeem myself but I don't want to get in Wanda's way especially if she can't get over what I've done
Nat- she will forgive you, it might just take a while
Y/N- well fingers crossed, you should go get some rest before tonight. Make sure you take the pain killers before you go

I spend the next hour sorting out Nat's medical paperwork, everything needs to be in order so Bruce can understand what she's had done
Tony- Knock Knock
Y/N- hey what's up?
Tony- you free tonight?
Y/N- I suppose so, why?
Tony- I want you to come to the event I'm hosting
Y/N- and why would I want to do that?
Tony- people need to see our new avenger
Y/N- I haven't given you an answer yet though?
Tony- Wanda just told me you said yes
Y/N- right yeah, I forget I asked her to tell you

Why did Wanda tell Tony I was staying? Is that a sign that she wants me here for her? Or does she just think I'd be a good addition to the team?
Tony- well I'll send you over the details, it's smart attire tonight so don't disappoint
Y/N- I guess I should head home and get ready then, I'll see you later Tony

It's been a few hours and I'm ready for the event. I've put on a black shirt with white trousers and blazer. Black heels and a black bag, this is the best I've looked for a while so I do my hair and wear a little makeup so now I'm good to go.
I decide to drive instead of teleport, I don't tend to drink when I'm in large groups because I get anxious that I might say something or just make a total asshole of myself.
Arriving at the venue and there's paparazzi everywhere, I knew Stark was popular but I didn't expect this. I don't see anyone I know so I sneak round the back and head inside

I walk up the stairs and see the Nat stood welcoming guests
Y/N- ah my dear Natasha, looking gorgeous as always
Nat- thank you Y/N, it's nice to see you made it
Y/N- you said it was compulsory for avengers to be here so here I am
Nat- wait, you said yes?
Y/N- well actually, Wanda told Tony I said yes
Nat- that means you can greet people with me now
Y/N- oh hell no, I'm going to find a quiet corner and stay there till this is all over. Talking to people isn't something I'm good at
Nat- I'll join you when I'm done, keep a seat for me
Y/N- always Natasha

Natasha joins me pretty quickly and we spend the next hour laughing and messing around.
I look up and see Wanda coming towards us
Nat- looks like it's time for me to go
Y/N- don't you dare
Nat- too late sweet checks
Natasha walks off as Wanda sits down next to me
Y/N- I see that you accepted the avengers position for me, may I ask why?
Wanda- I don't want you to leave. What's going on with you and Nat anyway?
Y/N- is someone jealous?
Wanda- urm no not at all
I smile at her as her breath hitches
Y/N- tell me why you really came over here Wanda
I move my hand and gently rest it on the inside of her thigh as she shuffles in her seat

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