Part 44- I'm Back

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Nat POV-
Y/N slept the whole way back, just looking at her showed the damage Hydra did to her. Her body was bruised and she'd lost weight, there were bags under her eyes and it looked like she hadn't slept in days.

We got back to the compound and Y/N wasn't awake yet so Steve picked her up. I knew she must've been tired because she's a light sleeper and normally would wake up if I twitch but for her to not wake up now wasn't normal for her.

The door opened and Wanda is stood waiting
Steve- you can see her soon, she needs to be checked out first
Steve walks straight past Wanda with Y/N in his arms
Nat- she's going to be okay, she's just tired
Wanda- what did they do to her?
Nat- I don't know, when I found her, her arms were chained and she was hanging from the ceiling
Wanda- they tortured her?
Nat- from some of the marks on her body, they did more than just torture her
Tears fill Wanda's eyes as I hold her close to me, I knew this was going to hurt her because the love she felt for Y/N was strong. They were made for each other and I was lucky they had allowed me to feel some of that love.

I didn't remember getting on the jet, the last thing I remember was walking towards it but never on it.
Steve- how you feeling?
Y/N- few aches and pains but nothing too bad
Steve- Agent Hill told us what happened, you endured a lot of pain
Y/N- I did what I had to do to protect a leading agent but just don't tell Wanda or Natasha that

I sit up and Steve helps, the pain isn't actually that bad considering what they did.
Steve- the one thing she couldn't tell us, is everything they did to you
Y/N- I don't want to talk about it
Steve- where did the files you collected go?
Y/N- they're safe, I'll get them when I've recovered
Steve- that's okay, get some rest and I'll get the girls to check on you later
I sit on the bed not knowing what to think, everything I had been through and what I was still going to endure was in my mind. I knew I was going to have to eventually tell them what happened but I didn't want to, even thinking about it, I could still feel the pain through my body.
I fell back asleep pretty quickly, I had barely slept in 6 days. I didn't want them to come back and surprise us with something, making sure Agent Hill survived became the goal and I succeeded.

5 hours had passed when I was awoken by Bruce
Bruce- hey, I just need to run a couple tests
Y/N- that's fine, do whatever you need to
The tests were quick and it allowed Bruce to see the extent of my injuries
Y/N- how bad is it?
Bruce- 3 broken ribs, a bruised liver, a concussion and a broken eye socket. You're lucky Y/N but you'll be okay
Y/N- can I head to my room and rest?
Bruce- sure thing but take it easy

I get up and start heading to my room, I knew it was only a floor away so I was hoping not to see anyone. After everything I'd been through, I really just wanted time to myself.
Walking into my room and Wanda is sat crying on the bed
Y/N- you know, it's rude to cry on someone's bed without telling them what's wrong
Wanda- I didn't think I was going to see you again
Y/N- I'm here
She wraps her arms around me and holds on tight, the pain is unbearable but I don't want her to see it
Wanda- how are you? And please don't lie to me
Y/N- it hurts, a lot but the pain will go away and the wounds will heal
Wanda- please don't go back to that dark place

My dark place.
A place I had never wanted anyone to see but I fell into at the worst possible time, Wanda and Nat had seen the worst of me and they knew it but I had never accepted it. I knew it was going to be hard to not go there again. I don't communicate my feelings well so I bottle them up and they turn against me.
Wanda- Sonny?
Y/N- yeah sorry
Wanda- do you want to talk about what happened?
I just shake my head, I couldn't do it. I didn't want people to see me as that poor kid who got hurt on a mission. I could handle what happened but I didn't know if they could.

Wanda- Please Sonny, talk to me
Y/N- you know what happened, they beat me and did everything they could to get me to talk
Wanda- what did they do?
Y/N- I don't want to talk about it
Wanda- don't shut me out Sonny, I only want to help you
Y/N- I need to get some rest, thanks for checking up on me
Wanda- yeah, it's okay. Do you want me to stay?
Y/N- Thanks but I think I want to be on my own
Wanda- is that the best thing?
Y/N- probably not but I'm just getting some sleep

She closes the door behind her as she leaves and I flop down onto the bed. This was only the beginning of my recovery and I knew this wasn't going to be easy.

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