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June 1990

There was a full moon tonight, the first one this summer. I hated knowing that dad would be in pain for the night. I had been staying at the Weasley's this week along with Harry, we would be going home tomorrow.

All of the Weasley's had tried to convince me to play quidditch. I had played one game, then I fell off my broom five minutes in because of a bludger. Bill had caught me thank merlin. I wouldn't be playing more quidditch any time soon.

I had a crush on Bill when I was younger. I had grown out of it (mostly). He had always known, obviously, who wouldn't notice that an eight year old had a crush on them. Bill had always been nice to me, he would always make me feel welcome whenever I came over. I know that he was just being friendly, but my eight year old self obviously went absolutely insane over that.

I would always stay with Ginny in her room. She was a few years younger than me, but we still loved to hang out with each other. Ginny didn't have anyone to talk to about things she liked to do. Fred and George were usually pranking Percy, or Ron. Percy just wouldn't listen, Bill was usually working, Charlie was always in Romania, and Ron didn't want to do 'girly' stuff. Molly was so busy running around doing everything, so Ginny would talk to me, and I would gladly listen.

My time at the Weasley's felt shorter than it was. I've always loved it there, they're like my second family. They were always there and glad to have me. Molly and Lily are the mothers i've never had. My mom had left after I was born. I don't know a lot about her, and I don't want to. She left dad and I, there's no excuses to make it okay. I've always had Dad, Sirius, the Potters, and the Weasleys. They're all I need. They're my family.

July 1990

Cristina had invited me to stay at her house for a weekend, dad happily agreed. He loved it that I was having a good summer. I mean, that was pretty easy, it's not hard to make a twelve year old happy.

Cristina and I did as much as we could during the weekend. She had shown me her favorite muggle shops and bakeries. I've always loved the muggle world, it was so different from the wizarding world but it was so similar at the same time.

Cristina had showed me a muggle movie that had come out last year. It was called "The Little Mermaid". I absolutely loved the movie, it had reminded me of the moving pictures that are in the daily prophet, but they had color to them.

Movies fascinated me, there were movies in the wizarding world but they weren't as good as the muggle movies I had seen.

Cristina and I had the best time with each other. I was sad that I had to leave, but we would see each other at Hogwarts soon. Dad and I had thanked Cristinas parents for letting me stay with them for the weekend. I said good bye to Cristina and promised that I would see her at Hogwarts.

The rest of July was uneventful. I had been to the Potters a few times. Sirius had helped me learn how to bake and cook, it usually ended up in chaos, but it was fun to spend time with him. Dad had played chess with me almost every day, when he wasn't doing something random with James and Sirius.

We celebrated Harry's tenth birthday at the end of July. Next year he would be going to Hogwarts. I'm pretty sure he would love it as much as I do, at least I hope he will.

August 1990

My letter from Hogwarts had come once again, with a list of books I would need. I was allowed to have a broom this year, but that's not happening at all. I still had all of my standard classes, next year I would be allowed to choose some extra classes.

We went to diagon alley later that week. Dad said I could get a pet, I had thought of an owl at first, but I've always wanted a cat. There was this one brown cat with little stubby legs, his name was Muffin. I absolutely loved him. Dad had agreed, even though cats typically didn't like him. Muffin did like dad though, he would always cuddle up in dads lap at night when we would play chess.

I had packed my trunk the week before we would go back to Hogwarts. I was so happy to be going back to Hogwarts, I love it there. Of course I love it here at home too, but Hogwarts felt so magical, probably because it was full of people who do magic but that's besides the point.

September 1990

The train ride to Hogwarts was just the same as last year, long and boring. Cristina was thrilled that I had gotten a cat, she absolutely loved him. The trolley had come by, followed by a line of people wanting sweets. Cristina had gotten up and gotten two chocolate frogs. She had handed me one, I thanked her and opened the box. I had gotten a card of Helga Hufflepuff, wow.

The sorting ceremony had seemed longer when you weren't being the ones sorted. There had been a few sorted into Hufflepuff, but most had been sorted into Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The feast was amazing, just as it was last year.

Cristina and I walked to our dorm after the feast, talking about random things that had happened over the summer. I wasn't paying attention and I ran straight into someone.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking and-" I apologized. I looked up and saw Cedric smiling at me.
"It's okay" He said, walking away with his friends.

Why did I just get butterflies?

I ignored the feeling I had just gotten, it was nothing. Cristina and I started to unpack the things in our trunks. I had put Muffins bed next to mine.

I still had all of my classes with Cedric. Why? I couldn't answer that. We were still silently competing with one another. Whether it was seeing who did better on the tests and homework, or seeing who would answer the question correctly, we were definitely competing.

December 1990

Christmas was amazing. Dad and I had gone to the Potters. Harry had gotten a book about quidditch, and a broomstick, along with a few other things. James and Lily had gifted me new quills, parchment, and some sweets. Dad had given me a Hufflepuff scarf, with a Gryffindor hat.
"Showing house pride for your family" He laughed along with everyone.

Just to spite everyone, I wore the Gryffindor hat for the whole day.
"I have made such an influence on her Moony" Sirius nudged, with a great smile on his face.
"Well that's just great, isn't it pads" Dad said sarcastically. Everyone spent the rest of the day laughing and enjoying the company.


New years wasn't as fun as Christmas, but it was still a blast. Sirius had pulled out the fire whiskey. Harry and I knew that would end in endless conversations about the best prank they had pulled during their time at Hogwarts.

January 1991

Going back to Hogwarts was a bummer, because I wouldn't see Harry for a while, but I also got to enjoy time with my friends.

Cristina had gone to paris during the winter holiday, she had send me a few pictures. Paris was absolutely beautiful, the lights and the snow just made it look so perfect. I had always wanted to go there, when I'm older.

June 1991

My second year had ended with getting amazing grades on my end of year exams. I had done better than Cedric, he was the one to point that out.

We endured the long train ride to Kings Cross station. Cristina and I had slept along the way, with Muffin in between us. Dad apparated us home.

I love it here.

authors note:
didn't know i could write this much but good job me, i guess. i don't know.

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