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Warning: sexual content
December 1994

"Cedric, really. Enough with the surprises" I groaned, as he lead me through another staircase.
"I'm going to make you like surprises" He countered.
"You can't make me do anything" I argued.
"Really? I think I can sometimes" He said, sarcasm in his tone. I didn't have a response for that one.

He lead me through a door, which I thought would lead to his dorm.
I opened my eyes as soon as he removed his hand from over my eyes. I looked around the room, not having a clue where we were.

"It's the room of requirement" Cedric explained, "It caters to the needs of whoever needs something"
"Anything?" I asked, turning towards him.
"Anything" He repeated, a sly smile spread across his lips.

"You said you needed dancing lessons, so I thought I could teach you" I said, walking over to the record player that sat in the corner of the room.

He fumbled with the record player for a moment, until he had gotten it to play the song he wanted.

A soft guitar had started playing. Cedric had walked back up to me, extending his hand for me to take. I placed my right hand in his, placing my left hand on his shoulder. He moved his hand to my waist, gently pulling me closer.

We slowly danced around the room as the song continued to play

"Up with your turret"

"Aren't we just terrified?"

"Shale, screen your worry"

"From what you won't ever find"

I could feel Cedric's eyes scanning over me, watching my every move. I kept my eyes away from his, staring down at my feet.

"Look at me" He said, lifting my chin up.
"If I look at you I'm going to get distracted" I blurted. Why the hell did I say that?
"Distracted by what love?" He smiled, cockiness plastered all over him.
"Like I'm going to tell you" I joked.
"Tell me, I want to know all about what's distracting you" He continued leading us around the room as the song

He pulled me closer to him, pressing our bodies closely together. I took a deep breath, feeling butterflies erupt in me. There was no doubt a blush spreading across my face.
"Awe, I made you blush" He joked, giving me a smile.
"Shut up" I murmured, avoiding his eyes once more.

"Sea and the rock below"

"Cocked to the undertow"

"Bones, blood and teeth erode"

"With every crashing node"

"Look at me" He cupped the side of my face, making me look at him. He gently placed his lips onto mine, holding me lovingly.
"Made you blush again" He smiled against my lips.
"Don't even try and act like you're not blushing" I giggled, kissing him again.

We danced around the room, kissing one another every few moments. We held onto each other closely, enjoying our beautiful moment.

I had rested my head on Cedric's chest, listening to the pattern of his heart beating . He had wrapped his arm closer around my waist just as something happened.

Cedric tripped over his feet, making both of us tumble down to the floor. His back was pressed against the floor with me on top of him. Cedric and I burst out in laughter, clutching onto each other.

He had looked over to the record player just as the song had started to end.
"I brought a present for you" He smiled, darting his eyes over to his bag that sat on the floor.
"You really know how to spoil someone" I joked, running my hands down his chest.
"Anything for you my love" He pressed a kiss on the tip of my nose.

I stood up, walking over to Cedric's bag and opening it. His sweatshirt lied on top with a necklace.
"You want me to help you put them on?" He asked, trailing his hand down my side.
"I do know how to undress myself" I reminded him.
"I know, I just do it so much better though" He kissed just below my ear.

I bent down, picking up the sweatshirt and necklace. I handed him the necklace first, moving my hair away from my neck. He gently wrapped the necklace around and clasped it, kissing the side of my face.

"Lift your arms love" He whispered, so softly it was hard to even hear. I lifted my arms above my head as he bunched up the hem of my shirt, stripping it from my body.

"You're so beautiful" He murmured as he kissed along my jawline. My breath hitched in my throat, the butterflies he had always managed to make me feel erupting inside of me. He ran his hands all over me, making my skin flush.

I turned to face him, cupping his jaw. Our kiss became full of lust almost instantly. My skin flourishing in a warm feeling that only he had made me feel. His teeth grazed my bottom lip before biting down on it. His hand laced it's way through my hair had his other kneaded my thigh.

He backed me up against the nearest wall, his grip still firm on me. He moved his knee in between my legs, parting my thighs. My moans grew increasingly frequent as Cedric kissed down my neck, as well as teasing me by messing with the waistband of my pants.

"Are you okay with this?" He broke away from my neck, meeting my eyes. I nodded, bringing our lips back together. His hands drifted to my pants. He dragged his fingers along the waistband, unbuttoning my pants.

Cedric slid my pants down my legs before moving his hand in between my thighs. He slowly teased me as he ran his long fingers along the thin fabric of my underwear. He moved down to my breasts, roughly kissing and sucking on them.

He moved my underwear to the side as he rubbed slow circled on my clit with his thumb. His other fingers teased my entrance before he asked,
"Are you sure?" He asked, moving his hands away from me.
"Yes" I said, a little to eagerly. He brought our lips together in a rough kiss.

He slowly slipped his finger inside of me, making both of us moan quietly. He had added another finger after a bit, pumping inside of me. He continued the assault of hickeys on my breasts as he pumped his fingers inside me until I came.

authors note:
the song is roslyn by bon iver 🤌

also the edward cullen quote 😏

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