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September 1993

We arrived at King's Cross Station a bit before the train would leave. Dad and I ran through the wall first, closely followed by James, Lily, and Harry. Sirius came onto the platform last, making a grand entrance as he always did.

"Alright, stay safe, don't do anything James and Sirius would do, okay? I love you both" Lily said, hugging Harry and I before we got onto the platform. Harry and I nodded, agreeing to listen to her.
"Hey, we were great at Hogwarts" Sirius argued.
"No we weren't Padfoot" James laughed.

We finished with our goodbyes and walked onto the train. Harry walked down to a compartment with Ron and Hermionie, while dad walked down to where the professors would sit. I found the compartment with Cristina, Anthony, and Cedric in it.

"Lexie! I missed you" Cristina immediately got up and hugged me tightly.
"I missed you too" I smiled. I sat down next to Cedric, Cristina and Anthony were sat across from us.
"Lex, I have so much to tell you-" Cristina started.
"Lupin, Diggory, there's a prefect meeting come on" Percy Weasley opened the door.
"Percy, you've known me my whole life and you still don't call me by my first name" I teased.
"Come on Lupin." Percy rolled his eyes.
"All right Weasley calm down" I laughed.

Cedric and I walked towards the front of the train in silence. The meeting was extremely boring, it was just about how we should lead the first years and the things we need to go over with them. Percys emotionless voice made listening even more difficult than it should've been.

"Merlin that was unbearable" Cedric groaned. I laughed along with him as we walked back to the compartment. We got to the compartment again, the curtains were drawn. Cedric knocked before he opened it, taking the hint of what was happening behind the door.


We changed into our robes a little before we got to Hogsmeade station. Prefects were supposed to supervise the carriages and help the younger students find their things. Cedric and I walked out of the compartment out onto the platform and put our things away.

Everyone was running around everywhere. I had about twelve first years ask me where they were supposed to go within the first ten minutes. Eventually they got the hint and followed each other.

By the time everyone was off the platform all the carriages were gone, so that meant we had to walk. I didn't really mind it, but some of the Slytherin prefects were complaining.

"Cant believe this, we're prefects for godric's sake!" One person complained.
"Exactly, aren't we supposed to be the ones who get everything" Another girl said.
"Prefects don't get everything you know" I said, not realizing how rude it had been to bud in on their conversation.
"Nobody asked you, filthy half-blood" They snickered. I stopped walking and turned around to face them.
"And you think you're any better just because you're a pureblood? That's just utter bullshit." I said, turning back around and walking a bit faster than I was before.

"What the hell was that?" Cedric asked, coming up beside me.
"It doesn't matter" I said, not looking at him. We continued the rest of the walk to Hogwarts in science, the two Slytherin girls giggling behind us.

"What's the matter Lupin? Need your boyfriend to protect you?" One of them laughed.
"He's not my boyfriend" I said, not giving them the satisfaction of my attention.


We walked up the stairs to the great hall, where loud chattering and laughing was erupting from. We walked over to the Hufflepuff table and sat across from Cristina and Anthony.

"Lex what's wrong?" Cristina asked, as soon as I sat down.
"Nothing, I'm fine" I said, putting on a fake smile.
"Two Slytherin girls insulted her" Cedric said once I stopped talking.
"Shut up!" I nudged him with my elbow.
"What! She asked and you didn't tell her so I did" He said defensively.
"I was going to tell her later anyways! It's none of your business so stay out of it." I said feeling more annoyed than I was before.
"Merlin, I just just trying to help" Cedric scoffed.
"Well I don't need your help so stop it, please" I said, trying to be nice again.
"You two are like an old married couple" Anthony laughed.
"What! No" Cedric scoffed.
"No we're not!" I said, looking over to him. Cristina and Anthony just laughed at us.


The sorting ceremony had ended up with most of the students being put in Ravenclaw and Slytherin. There was a handful who were put into Gryffindor, and even less put in Hufflepuff.

The feast ended with all of the students feeling tired from the long train ride. All of the students left the great hall, except for the first years, and the prefects.

Cedric and I lead the first years towards the common room, down by the kitchens.
"You Have to tap the third barrel, two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff', If you do get it wrong or if someone tries to get in and they don't know the password, they will get sprayed with vinegar" I said, showing them which barrel to tap.

One student raised their hand and asked if we could demonstrate it. Cedric was the one to do it, but he had gotten distracted by another first year asking me a question, he had moved out of the way before he got sprayed but I didn't know he got it wrong and it sprayed me instead.

"Alexandria, I'm so sorry I-" Cedric started.
"Cedric, shut up." I said, feeling extremely uncomfortable as vinegar dripped from me. I turned back to the group of first years. They all stated at us with wide eyes and shocked expressions.
"Okay, let's go in the common room now" I said, walking towards the barrel.
"Wait let me do-" Cedric grabbed my wrist, stopping me from knocking on the barrels.
"Absolutely not" I smiled. He laughed a bit, letting go of my wrist.

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