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October 1993

The cold weather had snuck up on everyone at Hogwarts. The corridors and the dungeons were absolutely freezing during all hours of the day, while rain poured down onto the grounds.

It had been a month since we had been at Hogwarts, and Cristina was still mad at me. She wouldn't admit it, but I always saw the dirty looks she would give me during classes and in the great hall. I had tried to talk to her everyday but she would give one worded responses or fail to even acknowledge me.

Anthony and Cedric could tell that it was pissing me off, but they neither of them tried to talk to be about it, which I don't blame them because I can get very emotional. I didn't know if Anthony had talked to Cristina or not, but I didn't want to complicate it by asking.

We were both being dramatic and it was pretty obvious but she still didn't talk to me until I just walked straight into her dorm.

"What's wrong" I asked, feeling completely done with not speaking.
"What are you talking about" She scoffed.
"Us, what's wrong with us! We haven't talked to each other" I said, feeling annoyed.
"You lied" She said, not even looking at me.
"Cristina, I didn't want to tell you in front of everyone, I already told you that before " I felt extremely annoyed at this point. She went quiet. She looked up at me with a guilty look.
"I'm sorry" She whispered, tears filling her eyes. Is she seriously crying right now?
"Cristina, tell me that we're okay now, please?" I asked. She nodded and hugged me tightly.


At lunch, my mood lifted extremely. Cristina was telling me all about her new dorm mate, her name's Stephanie. Cedric and Anthony had been giving each other worried glances throughout the day, like we would blow at any second.

Flitwick's choir club had been going amazing. Surprisingly, Pansy Parkinson and I had been growing closer during choir. She was a really nice person to be around. Flitwick had me play piano multiple times during class. Dad and Sirius had taught me piano when I was younger.

"Alexandria, are you and Cristina good now?" Cedric whispered as he nudged my arm.
"What? Oh yeah we talked about it" I said, not wanting to talk to him about it.
"And, it's still Lexie, you know" I added.
"Hey," Cedric said, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side of the corridor.
"You know you can talk to me right?" He said, looking straight into my eyes.
"Don't know you that well Diggory" I said sarcastically.
"Wha- okay, we don't know each other that well, but you can still talk to me" He said.
"Hmn, maybe" I smiled. He rolled his eyes and let go of my arm. We walked to the class that we shared, which was charms.


Charms ended with a long list of homework due at the end of the week.
"I promise I'm going to get a better grade than you" Cedric smirked as we walked towards the great hall.
"I doubt that, but okay" I shrugged. I had spotted Cristina and Anthony with a tall girl at the end of the hall.

That must be Stephanie.

I left Cedric standing by the charms classroom to go talk to them.
"Oh, Lexie this is Stephanie, and Stephanie, this is Lexie" Cristina smiled.
"Hi" I smiled, extending my hand for her to shake. She took it and smiled at me.

"You left me behind" Cedric had come up to us and lightly punched my arm.
"Oh Im so sorry" I said, giving him a sarcastic smile. Cedric smiled at me before turning to Stephanie and kissing her cheek and wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

What the fuck.

I looked away, not wanting to see him continue to look at her like she's the only girl in the world. I completely spaced out while everyone else was continuing with the conversation.

We all finished our lunch in the great hall that was full of conversations and laughter. I tried to ignore what had happened in front of the doors of the great hall before lunch, but it lingered in the back of my mind no matter how hard I tried to ignore it.

I couldn't help but feel annoyance towards Stephanie. It wasn't fair, she hadn't done anything to me and neither had Cedric. I had no reason to be annoyed with them.

Shes gorgeous

Shes better than me

That's why he wants her.

We had finished all our classes for the day and we were all studying in the common room. Brendon Halkirk had come up to me while I was working on my essay for charms.

"Lupin? Can I talk to you?" Brendon asked.
"Yeah" I nodded, getting up from my seat and following him out of the common room. His friends were sat in the corner of the common room, giving him excited looks. Shit, please don't tell me he's going to ask me out.

I mean, he wasn't bad looking. He was actually really cute. He had dark brown fluffy hair, he was tall, and he was really nice all of the times I've talked to him. I wouldn't really mind going out with him, Cedric is already with someone so why not give it a chance.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, looking over to Brendon.
"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me, on a date" He said calmly. Give him a chance.
"Yeah, okay" I smiled.
"Okay" He smiled. We walked back into the common room, where we were met with everyone staring at us.

Brendon went over to his friends who were congratulating him and I went over back to Cristina, Anthony, Stephanie, and Cedric.
"Did he really ask you out?" Cristina asked, nudging me a bit.
"Yeah" I nodded, blushing.
"He's a player. You know that right?" Cedric said firmly.
"It's one date Diggory, I'm not going to let him do anything" I scoffed.
"Seriously? Why even say yes?" He said, getting angry.
"Why I agreed to go on a date with him is none of your business so stay out of it!" I said, raising my voice.
"Just don't go out with him!" Cedric said, anger laced in his voice.

I grabbed all of my things and left. Why did he care so much. He doesn't get do decide who I go out with. It's not like we're dating. I wasn't asking questions when he was being all touchy and kissy with Stephanie so he has no business telling me not to go out with Brendon.



You're kind of an asshole sometimes, you know that right? You don't get to tell me who I can go out with, especially since you've never asked me on a date. And Stephanie, what's with you two. Are you dating?

I wasn't asking questions when you kissed her cheek and wrapped your arm around her in front of the great hall. You don't get any say in who I go out on one date with.

I want to go on a date with you.


authors note:
i just googled names from harry potter and that's where i got Brendons name from :)

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