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March 1995

February had ended with the Hogwarts students realizing they had their end of year exams in less than a few months. The excitement from the tournament had seemed to put school in the back of their minds.

Cedric had been extremely busy lately. Every reporter had wanted interviews with him. He crammed studying into any spare time he had. He was so exhausted at the end of the day that he would go straight to bed.

I couldn't blame him, that's a lot of stress for a seventeen year old. I had decided to plan a date for us in Hogsmeade the next weekend. I had kept it a surprise until the last minute, just as he would do.

"Cedric, I have a surprise." I smiled, coming up behind him and kissing his cheek.
"You? You have a surprise?" He turned his head to face me.
"Yes I do, now come on." I grabbed his hand, pulling him out of his seat.
"Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?" Cedric laughed.

The walk to Hogsmeade was cold, but not unbearable. Cedric and I walked closely, our shoulders brushing against one another's every few minutes.


We walked along the thin road of Hogsmeade, the shops filled with Hogwarts students. Cedric and I talked as we shopped in Honeyduke's, picking sweets for one another. I had wandered through the shelves of a bookstore, Cedric following behind me.

"How about this one?" He asked, reaching up to the highest self and pulling a book down.
"I think I've read that one already" I said, looking at the title.
"You're such a little brainiac" He murmured, kissing the top of my head.


April 1995

I had been thinking about Laura and Brendon far too much lately. I couldn't help it, the thought that I would have to marry Brendon if I hadn't found a way around it was terrifying.

Brendon and I hadn't spoken since Laura had showed up at Hogwarts. I had been avoiding him at all costs, which was surprisingly easy to do.

I had been walking along the corridors to the Hufflepuff common room to see Cedric.
"Oi Lexie, come here we need to talk." A voice called from behind me. I stopped in my tracks the sound of his voice making anxiety fill me.
"Stay away from me Brendon." I continued walking, knowing that wouldn't work.
"We need to figure out what you want for our wedding." His footsteps sped up to match mine.
"We don't actually, I'm not marrying you." I laughed.
"Well love, you don't really have a choice do you now."

Brendon wrapped his arm around me , gripping my shoulder tightly. He looked around to see the empty corridor.

I felt panic fill inside me, I didn't know what he would do.

"I do have a choice. I will never marry you." I spat.
"Well, your mummy's not gonna like that attitude of yours." He muttered, walking away.

authors note:
little filler chapter :)

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