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Warning: Sexual Content
November 1994

There was a party in the Hufflepuff common room. Fleur was making sure that I was going, she had said that I needed time to reconnect with where I'm meant to me. It really did mean a lot to me. She knew I wasn't happy attending Beauxbatons, but she was trying her best to make it bearable for me.

"Cedric! Cedric! Cedric!" The whole common room was chanting his name. Cedric had been lifted onto people's shoulders, hoisting him up in the air while he held onto his egg.

There were people from almost every house. I had spotted Pansy Parkinson with a few of her friends getting drinks. Fred and George were already causing as much trouble as they could. Lee Jordan had started blasting music. Cedric had a beaming smile on his face, just as he locked eyes with me.

He walked towards me, setting his golden egg on a nearby table. Before I said anything, he cupped both sides of my jaw, kissing me like it was the last thing he would ever do. Almost everyone in the room, except Cristina and Stephanie, erupted in whoops and cheers.

Cedric ran up to his room to leave his egg there. Drinks had been passed out, the anti-drug charms being enchanted on everyone's cup. Lee had turned the volume all the way up. The bass of the loud music sending vibrations through the room.

"Come on! Please?" Cedric pleaded, grabbing my hand.
"You know I can't dance!" I shouted over the loud music.
"Please! Just once! Then no more!" He begged, trying to pull me towards where everyone was dancing.
"Fine! One dance!" I agreed.

He basically pulled me all the way to the middle of where everyone was dancing. Cedric looked over to Lee, giving him a thumbs up. Lee abruptly changed the song, making several people groan.

Cedric pulled me close as the song started.

"Have you got color in your cheeks?"

"Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift the type"

"That sticks around like summat in your teeth?"

"Are there some aces up your sleeve?"

"Have you no idea that you're in deep?
I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week"

"How many secrets can you keep?"

"Cause there's this tune I found"
That makes me think of you somehow and I play it on repeat"

"Until I fall asleep, spillin' drinks on my settee"

Cedric swayed us together, keeping his hands on me. The rest of the people were completely unbothered. It felt like Cedric and I were the only people here. He was the only thing on my mind. It was just us.

"Crawlin' back to you"

"Ever thought of callin' when"

"You've had a few?
'Cause I always do"

"Maybe I'm too
Busy bein' yours
To fall for somebody new"

"Now, I've thought it through
Crawlin' back to you"

"So have you got the guts?"

"Been wonderin' if your heart's still open
And if so, I wanna know what time it shuts"

"Simmer down an' pucker up, I'm sorry to interrupt
It's just I'm constantly on the cusp of tryin' to kiss you" Cedric whispered to me along with the song.

"I don't know if you feel the same as I do
But we could be together if you wanted to"

He craned his neck down to meet his face to mine. Our lips connected, sending sparks down my body. He gripped my hips tighter as I kissed his jaw.

"Can we go up to your dorm?" I whispered. Cedric just grabbed my hand without saying a word, tugging me along up the staircase. He pulled me into his dorm, pressing me up against the door as soon as it closed.

He sloppily pressed his lips to mine as his hands slipped under my shirt, wrapping around my waist. His tongue slipped in my mouth, making the kiss even deeper than before. I tangled my fingers in his hair, tugging at his soft, beautiful hair.

He backed away for a moment, slipping his shirt over his head, revealing his toned chest and torso. He grabbed my hips tightly once again, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around him instinctively, as I cupped his jaw and ran my hand down his neck.

He pressed me up against the door once again, swiftly locking it without hesitation.
"May I?" He smirked, holding the bottom of my shirt.
"Yes" I breathed, before grabbing his face and kissing him. He ran his hands up my back, stripping me of my shirt.

"You make me fucking insane." He groaned, running his hands over my body as I kissed his neck.
"Trust me, I feel the same way about you." I laughed. He wrapped his arms around me once more, backing up to the edge of his bed.

I straddled his hips, grinding my hips on his. He groaned quietly, squeezing my thighs as he did. I kissed around his neck, leaving him with hickeys spread around.

I stood from his lap, standing in front of him.
"What?" Cedric whined, his face and lips were a deep shade of pink. I unbuttoned my jeans, slipping them down my legs and stepping out of them.

I stepped back up to Cedric, kissing his neck, moving my way down his torso. His moans grew louder the longer I kissed his chest. Cedric had grabbed my hand, moving it over to his bulge that was covered by his pants.

I palmed his bulge teasingly through his pants while kissing down his chest. Cedric balled his blanket up in his fists, trying to contain his moans. I kissed his v-line, making him thrust his hips forward while letting out a loud moan.

I brought my hands to his belt, fumbling with it until it came loose.
"Please" Cedric whispered after I had began rubbing his thighs. He slipped his pants off of his waist, leaving him in his boxers.

I palmed his through the thin fabric, feeling every inch of his bulge. I slipped my hand under his boxers, earning a low moan from Cedric as soon as my fingers met him. My hand wrapped around Cedric's length, stroking him slowly.

Cedric moaned loudly as I took his cock in my mouth, swirling my tongue over his sensitive tip. I tried to fit all of him in my mouth, gagging once I couldn't fit anymore of him.

His moans were slurred and growing more frequent as I bobbed my head, stroking his base. I continued until he came, gripping his blanket and breathing heavily.

I removed my lips from him, swallowing. I made eye contact with him, licking my lips while smirking. He looked speechless as I stood up and sat down next to him.

authors note:
the song was "do i wanna know" by arctic monkeys 🙂

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