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July 1993

"Fred! George! put that away! no pranks!" Molly Weasley called from downstairs. Fred and George had been very focused on making a new type of product they would try to sell at Hogwarts. Molly was completely against the idea of any products of theirs being sold anywhere, she hated it.

Owning a joke shop was Fred and George's dream. Molly hadn't even given them a chance to talk about it. Fred and George were obviously going to do it anyways, they just wouldn't tell Molly. Bill and Charlie had been extremely supportive of the idea, Bill had even offered to help them.

While I was at the Weasley's, there had been many nights spent talking with Fred and George, or Ginny. Harry was always with Ron and Hermionie. Bill and Charlie were always doing something random, or talking with their parents.

"Lex, come here!" Fred called from across the hall.
"What do you want" I sighed, walking into Fred and George's room.
"Come in" George started
"And close the door" Fred whispered. I walked into their room and closed the door. I sat down on the floor with them, with my pack towards the door.
"Okay, what" I asked, looking at Fred, then at George.
"We need your help" They said in unison
"Alright, with what?" I asked. Fred and George glanced at each other before looking over to the door.

The door creaked open, Bill and Charlie Weasley stood there, with a water balloon in his hand.
"No! absolutely not!" I said, getting up, trying to figure out how I would leave.
"You can't get out of it you're trapped!" Charlie smiled.
"Please! Please not again!" I said stepping back. Fred and George grabbed each of my arms, holding me in place.

Bill and Charlie threw the water balloons at me, soaking me with water.
"Seriously! What is wrong with you! All of you suck ass!" I said, trying to squirm my way out of Fred and George's grip.
"If you must know darling, we're showing you our love" George said, kissing my cheek.
"I don't like any of you" I muttered

Fred and George finally let me go once Bill and Charlie had ran down the stairs. I had ran down the stairs straight to the kitchen. I grabbed two glasses of water and filled them up. I had seen Bill and Charlie outside hiding behind a tree. I quietly went outside and up behind the tree.

"Do you think she'll come after us?" Charlie asked.
"Of course she will, maybe not yet though" Bill said looking back at the house. I turned around and threw the water in Bills face. Charlie ran, but I caught up to him and poured the water on his back.
"You're gonna get it now!" Bill laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and carried me towards the pond near the burrow.
"Please no! we're even now, please don't," I said trying to get free from his grip.

Charlie had come up and grabbed my legs so it would be harder to move. There were people at the pond, probably some people who lived nearby but I didn't get a good look at them because as soon as we got there Bill and Charlie threw me in.

Once I had came up Bill and Charlie had started laughing even harder.
"Can you at least help me get out" I laughed
"Fine" Bill laughed, extending his hand for me. I smiled and grabbed it. I pulled Bill in, who had grabbed Charlie by the shirt and pulled him in as well.

"I cannot believe you!" Charlie laughed coming up from under the water.
"You two started it!" I smiled. We laughed for a bit before we got out of the water.

"Alexandria? Hey!" Someone called.
Fuck fuck fuck.
I know that voice.
I turned around and Cedric was waving at me with Anthony at his side.
"Hi Cedric, it's still Lexie" I waved back. Cedric walked over to Bill, Charlie, and I.
"Do you live by here? I should've known that" He smiled.

Cedric's face was slightly sunburnt, it was cute, it suited him. His hair had gotten lighter with the sun, making it a golden brown color. Freckles scattered his skin, along with a light tan. His abs were extremely defined, probably from quidditch.

"Oh, no I don't, It's Harry's birthday and we're visiting his friends" I said, slightly nervous. Bill and Charlie laughed a bit behind me.
"Anyways we should get going, it was nice seeing both of you, bye" I said, giving up all hope of acting normal around him while he was half naked.
"Oh well, it was nice seeing you too" He smiled his perfect smile.

"Bloody hell Lexie, you're more nervous around that Diggory guy than you ever have been around Bill" Charlie laughed.
"Charlie shut up!" I said, punching his arm lightly.
"He's right you know, you were never that nervous around me" Bill said.
"I know" I muttered, just wishing this conversation would end.


"You should've seen her" Fred started
"She looked absolutely terrified" George said
"We've done it twice this week" Charlie added.
"That's enough! No more water balloons or pranking! It's over! No more!" Molly called over all of the people talking. Fred, George, and Charlie instantly stopped talking.

Once Molly had cooled down everyone had continued with their conversations. Harry and Ron were listening to James and Sirius about their best quidditch matches. Arthur and Charlie were asking about muggle inventions with Hermionie and Lily. While Fred, George, Bill, Dad, and I were talking about prank products the twins would make the most money out of, even though Molly forbid any prank items in her house.

"Okay, time for cake!" Lily called, helping Molly get the cake and candles. We gathered around the table, while Lily put the cake in front of Harry.

"Happy birthday to you"
"Happy birthday to you"
"Happy birthday dear Harry"
"Happy birthday to you"

Harry blew out the candles as all of finished singing and smiled at him.


Dear Cedric,

I saw you today, at the pond near the burrow. You looked breathtaking, just absolutely perfect. I used to like Bill Weasley, and even he pointed out that I'm more nervous around you than I ever was around him. You make me insane. I don't know how you do it, but you always manage to do it.

After years of knowing each other you still won't call me Lexie. I kind of love it.


authors note:
okay but bill and charlie 😳
i absolutely love them

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