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November 1993

Pansy and I grabbed our bags and went back to our seats. She went to sit down next to one of her friends, while I went over and sat down next to Cedric.

"Since when can you sing?" He smiled.
"Since always, you just didn't know it" I laughed.
"You're beautiful" He whispered so softly that it was hard to hear, looking deeply into my eyes.
"What" I asked, shocked.
"Your singing is beautiful" He said, a deep blush erupting over his face.
"Oh, Thank you" I smiled slightly. Of course he didn't call me beautiful. I must have just heard him wrong.

The rest of the duet groups had sang their songs. Flitwick had excused all of us to go to our common rooms.

Cedric and I were walking down towards the common room when he came to a complete stop after he turned a corner. I hadn't noticed that he stopped and walked straight into his back.

"Cedric, why'd you stop walk-" I started before he grabbed my shoulders and shoved me into a broom closet. He rushed in after me and closed the door.
"Cedric! You can't just shove me in-" I hadn't even finished my sentence when Cedric moved his hand over my mouth as his other hand was pressed against the wall near my head.
"Be quiet" He whispered. Thank merlin it was dark in there. There was no doubt that a deep blush had blossomed on my face.

Our bodies were and inch away from being pressed closely together. Cedric had moved his hand off from my mouth, to my shoulder. It felt like there was no air left in there.

Cedric turned to face me. Even in the dark, his eyes were shining brightly. He carefully moved his arm from my shoulder to cup my jaw. He traced his thumb over my bottom lip carefully.

My heartbeat skyrocketed, his hands were warm, so comforting. He slowly dipped his head closer to mine. Our lips pressed against each other's. Slowly moving our lips with one another's, kissing softly. Cedric's kisses got rougher as he kissed along my jaw, eventually making his way down to my neck and collarbones.

He has a girlfriend

I can't do this to her

He has a girlfriend.

I pulled away from him, meeting his drunken gaze.
"You have a girlfriend" I said after he moved towards me again. He moved away from me almost instantly. The realization of what had just happened hit him, hard.
"Alexandria, I-I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that" He said, panic present in his voice. I couldn't look at him. I had wanted to kiss him for so long, this isn't how it was supposed to happen.

We both tensed up as the light from the corridor lit up the closet.

"Blimey Lexie, why are you in here" Fred and George said pulling me out. They had pulled me across Cedric. Just for a moment, our bodies were completely pressed against each other.

There's something in his pocket


Oh no

It's not in his pocket.

I was flooded with embarrassment. Obviously I wouldn't say anything, that would be more embarrassing than it already was. I looked back at Cedric, his face was bright red. He moved his bag in front of him.

He knows I felt it.

"What were you two doing anyways?" George asked, his eyes darting between Cedric and I.
"Snogging Georgie" Fred laughed.
"He has a girlfriend" I mumbled, completely unamused. Cedric said nothing, he just looked down.

My mind was all over the place, there were to many things happening. I walked down the corridor towards the common room.

Footsteps neared closer to me, I thought it was Cedric. It wasn't. Brendon walked silently beside me.
"We should try again" He said, smirking at me.
"Are you mad" I scoffed.
"If you mean mad for you, then yes I am" He laughed slightly. I panicked.

This cannot be happening

he's going to hurt me again.

"Halkirk, get away from her" A voice called from down the hall.
"Oh yeah, what're you gonna do Diggory?" Brendon scoffed.
"You really need a reminder? Same thing that happened last time I saw you" Cedric came closer.
"You wouldn't" Brendon scoffed again.
"Really, you wanna believe that?" Cedric stepped in front of me and swung his first into the side of Brendons face.

I grabbed the back of Cedric's shirt and pulled him down the corridor. The abandoned girls bathroom was on this floor. I pulled him into the bathroom and pinned him against the back of the door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" All of the anger inside of me was spewing out of me. He opened his mouth, about to say something.
"No, If you say anything I'll probably say something that I regret so just shut up! Please!" I yelled.

Cedric was speechless. He had never heard me yell at anyone, I don't even think I've heard myself get this angry. Tears flooded my eyes, rolling down my face. I didn't even know why I was crying. What the hell am I doing? I never cry in front of people.

I shut my eyes tightly, hoping the tears would stop. Unfortunately, they didn't.
"Lex, whats wrong?" Cedric asked, pulling me into a light hug. I just shook my head.

He couldn't help. He couldn't fix anything permanently. He was the thing I wanted and I couldn't have him.

I forced the tears to stop once he had pulled me in tighter than before. He let go again, probably just to see if I was still crying or not.
"Are you okay?" He cupped my jaw, looking deeply into my eyes.
"I'm fine" I nodded, forcing a small smile onto my face.

We walked to the common room in complete silence. My mind was full of what happened, not just in the closet, but in the bathroom too.

"Cedric, why did you shove me into a broom closet" I had asked it without even thinking. His face reddened once he had registered what I asked.
"Brendon was around the corner, I didn't want him to do anything" He said calmly. I nodded, then walked up to my dorm.



A lot happened tonight Cedric. I've wanted to kiss you since I realized I had feelings for you. It wasn't supposed to happen like it did tonight. We were supposed to be completely in love with each other. But you're dating Stephanie. You weren't supposed to kiss me. I don't regret it. It would've been the perfect kiss.


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