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June 1992

I had said goodbye to Cristina, Anthony, and Cedric before I walked off. James, Lily, and Sirius were waiting for Harry and I near an old clock that hung from the ceiling of the platform. They were all talking with Molly and Arthur Weasley.
"Oh Lexie darling, how have you been" Lily pulled me into a hug as James hugged Harry.

We talked with the Weasley's for a bit, Bill had asked about the pranks Fred and George had pulled.
"We did this one where-" Fred started
"We spread dungbombs all over Snape's classroom-" George explained
"While Lexie here, distracted Snape" Fred and George said in unison.
"Huh, how'd you manage to do that Lex?" Bill laughed.
"I asked him about an essay" I laughed.
"Wow, Alexandria Lupin not finishing an essay, I'm surprised" Bill said, looking fake shocked.
"I had already finished, I just needed to be distracting" I smiled.
"Of course you did" Bill said, giving me a sarcastic smile.


June was spend with the Weasley's with Harry, and with his friend Hermionie. Hermionie and I had a lot in common, we both absolutely despise riding brooms, we focus on our studies, and we were at the tops of our classes.

The Weasley's and Harry were playing quidditch most of the time. Harry was made the seeker for the Gryffindor house team last year, which was odd because first years never make the house teams but I was still immensely proud of him.

Percy had been locked away in his room the whole time I was there, he was working on prefect or head boy stuff, I think, I don't really know. Bill and Charlie were staying for a while over the summer, Charlie had told us all about the dragons he trains in Romania.


July 1992

July was spend at home with dad and Sirius. We would play records every night and just sit there and listen. Sometimes Sirius would make me get up and dance with him, I really loved it. We would all sing along together, having the time of our lives.

"Lex, you really should, you're good at it, don't hide it! show it off!" Sirius pleaded.
"I really don't think Im that good, so no, and I doubt anyone wants to hear it" I replied, staring up at the ceiling.
"Honey, you are really good, just ask Flitwick if you can join, he puts up flyers in all the common rooms" Dad agreed with Sirius.
"Maybe" I sighed.

We were talking about professor Flitwicks choir group. Dad and Sirius had begged me to join because they thought I could sing well. I would admit that I wasn't the worst, but I knew I wasn't the best. I wasn't really comfortable with singing in front of other people, but I had thought about it more and it just seemed like it would be a good idea.


We all stood around the table singing 'happy birthday' to Harry. The Weasley's, Hermionie, dad, Sirius, and I were all there. Harry's had a huge grin spread across his face as we finished singing, Fred and George elongating the entire song. We smiled as Harry blew out his candles and made a wish.

August 1992

August was hot. There had been a heat wave passing through London. Dad and Sirius had set cooling charms over the house so the house didn't feel so hot.

We had gone to diagon alley to get my books and quills earlier in the month. I had seen Anthony and Cedric but I didn't go over and say hello because I was nervous to be with them alone. Not because they made me uncomfortable, I didn't want to see Cedric and embarrass myself.

Cristina and I had spent a day in a village with each other. Her and Anthony had spent almost the entire summer together apart from when I was with her.


September 1992

The Hogwarts express was as it always was, noisy and full of people. Cristina, Anthony, Cedric, and I sat together once again. Muffin purred softly on my lap as I pet him while I read a book.

Someone had knocked on the compartment door. I looked over and it was Ernie Macmillan opening the door.
"Hey Lexie, can I uh, talk to you for a second?" He asked nervously.
"Oh, yeah of course" I said getting up.

I followed Ernie out to the train corridor and a little ways away from the compartment I was just in.
"So, um, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me, you know, when we're allowed, like on, um, a date?" Ernie asked, rubbing the back of his neck while looking at the floor while his cheeks glowed a bright pink.
"Oh! Ernie, um, I would like to go to Hogsmeade with you" I said.

I didn't want to go out with him. I was scared to. I had never been on a date, what was I supposed to do? I just happened to blurt out the first thing that wouldn't disappoint him.

I walked back to the compartment with my face hot. I knew I was blushing but I couldn't really do anything about it.
"So, what did you and Ernie talk about?" Cristina asked, once I had sat down.
"Oh, um nothing, it wasn't important" I said, trying not to act suspicious.
"Then why are you blushing, oh my, did he ask you out?!" Cristina practically screamed with excitement.
"Shut up" I mumbled, turning my attention to my book.


December 1992

My date with Ernie was a disaster. We barely had anything in common, and he kept talking about quidditch. He on the other hand, thought it went great and that we should go on another date. I had tried to let him down as gently as possible, but he still seemed hurt about it.

My birthday was great, Cristina had thrown a party a in the common room once again. It was on a Saturday so it lasted until two in the morning. Almost every Hufflepuff in the school was almost falling asleep at breakfast the next morning.

Christmas was spent with the Potter's and Sirius, which we always did. Lily had gotten me a few makeup items to try out, James had gotten me my favorite kind of chocolate, Sirius had gotten me a Gryffindor scarf, to match the hat I had gotten one Christmas, while dad had gotten me a few books he thought I would like.


March 1993

Exams were breathing down everyone's necks. The fifth years had taken to dwelling in the library or their dorms so they could study for their O.W.L's. The older students bad seemed surprisingly calm, considering that their exams were more complex than anyones.


June 1993

The exam season had ended. Cedric had only beaten me in a few classes, which I wasn't surprised about because he had taken extra measures to make sure he would get better grades than me.

Cristina and I promised to see each other over the summer. The horseless carriages were tugged along the road to Hogsmeade with many people waiting to go home for the summer.

Cristina, Anthony, Cedric, and I boarded the train, ready for another summer before our fifth year at Hogwarts.

authors note:
heyy, this is the last background chapter, it's gonna start going slower with more detail :)

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