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June 1995

"You need to come home with me, Mum will help you with anything you need." Bill assured.
"You all were there the night she came, she knows thats the first place I would go." I sighed.
"James or Sirius?" He suggested.
"They went to school together." My head pounded with every thought running through my head.

I never said Cedrics name that night.
"Cedric! She doesn't know about him!" I realized.
"He lives closer than we do, Mum will be able to help you there." Bill placed a comforting hand on my arm.
"We can apparate to the pond, and we can walk to his house." He stood up, gathering his things.
"What if shes there? She ran after me." I couldnt help but worry that she knew where I was.
"I'll be with you the whole time, I promise."

We walked down the dark alley. I followed close to Bill, looking around every few moments to see if anyone had been watching. He had apparated us to the pond in between The Burrow and Cedrics house.
"Who's that?" I asked, a cloaked figure walking along a nearby path.
"Get down!" Bill hushed, pulling me down beside him. They turned their head towards Bill and I, their face hidden by the darkness.

Luckily they had continued walking along the path. I let out a breath that had built up in my lungs. Bill and I left once they had vanished.

The summer air was warm, but I couldn't help my body shivering. The pure white dress I was wearing had become torn and dirty. The stars and moon shone through the streaky clouds. My heart dropped as I looked up at the sky, the moon was full.

I had been so caught up in my own problems that I hadn't even thought about what dad was going through. He bad been in Azkaban for almost a year now, I knew that I couldn't be able to contact him, that letter he wrote was the last thing I had of him.

"Don't get caught up on things you have no control over, none of this is your fault." Bill had noticed that I had been starring up at the moon.
"I think about him a lot, your dad. I remember how terrified he was when he held you for the first time, he got the hang if it eventually." Bill said, as him and I continued walking.

We had made it to Cedric and his father's house, they were visible through the kitchen widow. Bill knocked on the door, looking around to make sure nobody was watching.

Amos answered, sending a questionable look at my outfit.
"Alexandria, Bill, is everything all right?" He asked, ushering us inside. Cedric peeked around the coroner, before walking towards us.

Cedric realized what was supposed to happened tonight.
"What did she do? Are you okay?" Cedric placed his hand of the side of my face, thoughts racing through his head.

"She hurt me, it was the cruciatus curse. I don't know how long I was passed out. She still tried to make me marry him, but I broke her nose, I think. I made it out and climbed over a gate so I could hide in the village nearby, then Bill found me and helped." My voice cracked as the tears fell down my face from recalling the fresh trauma. The shock on their faces was painful.

The silence was broken by the hard knock on the front door.
"Wonder who that could be? Cedric take Alexandria and Bill upstairs just incase." Amos gestured to the nearby stairs. He nodded, leading us up into his bedroom.

"Amos! How lovely too see you! Mind if I come in? I've had a rough night." Laura's haunting voiced spoke.
"Oh Laura! I'm a but busy at the moment, isn't really the best time for catch-up." Amos's voice echoed.
"Alexandria has run away! I can't bear think about what might happen to her!" She fake sobbed.
"So sorry, but I really must stay home, I'm expecting someone very Important soon." I had never heard Amos be so stern.
"Do me a favor? Tell Alexandria I'm worried sick. That is if you happen to come across her of course."

My heard pounded in my chest. Did she see Bill and I? How did she know I was here? Did she remember Cedric? My thoughts ran wild.

"Im going to get mum, shes take care of you I promise." Bill kissed the top of my head, jogging down the stairs. I sat against the side of Cedric's bed, my knees curled up into my chest.

Cedric wrapped his arms around me, whispering comforting words always at the right moments.

"Anything you need, and I'll do it."

"You are the strongest person I know."

"You deserve the world Alexandria."

"You are everything."


"Oh darling, you poor thing." Molly Weasley opened the door to Cedric's room, bending down to kiss my head.
"I'm so sorry my love, I'll help you feel better in no time." She smiled.
"All right, first of all you may want a bath, just to wash away all the dirt. Then I can help with the injuries." She smiled, wiping some dirt from my cheek.

"I'll get it ready for you. Anything you need Mrs.Weasley?" Cedric asked.
"Oh no dear, thank you. I'll go meet your father and Bill in the kitchen." Molly said, giving me one last kiss before leaving the room.

authors note:
things are kinda dark from here but this was really hard to write, but i really hoped you enjoyed it!

you are always enough no matter what anyone says. you are meant to be alive. you were put here for a reason. i love every single one of you, always <3

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