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December 1994

Madam Maxime had announced the yule ball the morning of my birthday. It had just given me one more reason not to go home for the holiday. Chatter about the ball had spread over all three schools. Gossip about who everyone was going to ask to go with them, I had even heard a rumor that Cedric was going to ask Stephanie to go with him.

I had been eating my breakfast in the great hall when the doors burst open. Cedric and Viktor came running through the great hall, towels wrapped around their waists followed by groups of people running after them with parchment and quills clutched in their hands.

Cedric ran through the isle between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs tables. He stepped onto the bench I was sitting on.
"Ahem! Alexandria Caroline Lupin," He cleared his throat as he jumped up onto the table.
"Will you do me the honor of being my date to the ball on Christmas day?" He had a cocky smirk across his lips as he held the low hanging towel tighter than he had before.

"Oh I guess, I was really hoping to keep my options open but since you asked so nicely" I smiled up at him. He hopped down from the table sitting down next to me.
"Why thank you my love" He grinned kissing my cheek.

"I really do love your outfit by the way" I joked, pointing to his exposed torso.
"Ah well, Viktor and I had to get fitted for custom dress robes, and well we sort of got interrupted and uhm yeah" He blushed.
"Go get your clothes on, I'm the only one who gets to look at you naked" I whispered so only he could hear.

He blushed had darkened and spread over his chest.
"Oh! Happy birthday my love" He said before lowering his voice and whispering, "I have a surprise for you later that I think you'll quite like"
"Will I now?" I questioned.
"Yes. Now I'm going to leave because there's a lot of people staring at up and I'm quite uncomfortable with that." He stood up, walking out of the great hall.

The mail owls had come bursting through the doors of the great hall just as they did everyday. I hadn't gotten my usual letter from Lily, or the Howlers from James and Sirius. Obviously there wasn't a letter from dad, I could only blame one person for all of this. Laura.


"Where exactly is the surprise?" I asked, following Cedric along the corridors.
"You'll see, we're close" He smiled excitedly to himself. I loved the idea of surprises but I always hated being left in the dark.

"Okay wait here" Cedric said before turning the corner and disappearing. I waited for him, feeling extremely bored already.
"Close your eyes" Cedric came back from around the corner with a bright smile.

He moved his hand over my eyes as the other guided me around the corner.
"Okay" Cedric sighed, sounding full of excitement. "Open your eyes."

There was a group of people standing in front of me. James, Sirius, Lily, Molly, and Arthur stood before me. Sirius and James were crying, with Lily comforting them. Molly and Arthur conversing about something quietly.

"Ahem" Cedric cleared his throat to get their attention. They all jolted back into reality, smiling at me.
"You did this for me" I turned to him and asked, my eyes filling with tears.
"All for you" He smiled.
"I love you" I told him as I hugged his waist tightly.

"Oh please don't tell me you're ditching us for a boy" Sirius fake sobbed. I turned to Sirius, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
"I missed you so much" I whispered to him, tears falling down my cheeks.
"I missed you more than you will ever know" He whispered back.
"When this is all over, we can go back to being a real family." He reassured after we had broken apart.

"Okay my turn" James said impatiently. I hugged James, then Lily, the whole in my heart felt a little more filled than before. I hugged Molly and Arthur as well.

Molly had knitted me a sweater, with the pattern of dads toast knitted in the middle.
"James and Sirius made sure I got every detail" Molly laughed, shooting an annoyed glance at James and Sirius who were huddled together in a secret conversation.

Lily had nudged James murmuring something quietly. Sirius had dug around in his coat pocket, until he retrieved a letter and handed it to me.

To:Alexandria C. Lupin
From: Moony

"How-" I asked, looking up at James and Sirius.
"We called in some favors from an old friend" James smiled. I was on the verge of tears. I hugged James and Sirius, thanking them both for delivering the letter.


Once I got a moment alone I tore the letter open.

Dear Alexandria,

To my beautiful little girl. I know you're not little anymore, but it's been a beautiful experience to watch you grow. I think about our time together, from the first day you came into this world, to the last trip we ever took together. It is an honor to be your father. Your sacrifices and bravery have made everyone around you stronger. You may not feel like it, but they have made you stronger as well. I am unexplainably proud of everything you do, you are the light of my life. I truly hope everyone who meets you gets to discover how truly beautiful you are. You will be loved and cared for by more than you know. You are the bravest person I know, even if you don't believe me. I know it's hard to find the happiness in such a harsh world. I'm not going to lie to you, it will be one of the hardest things you will ever have to endure. You're a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul, don't let anything take that away from you. You will always be my best friend. I love you so much.


My tears fell onto the page. I would give anything to tell him I loved him one last time.

authors note:
I cried while writing the letter 🙂

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now