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December 1994
Tw: Abuse and Dark thoughts (I will highlight the part)

A heavy snowfall had fallen over the last few weeks. Most, if not all of the students had gone out and admired or played in the snow at least once. Cedric and Anthony had a few surprise snowball fights. Some of which had ended with a snowball to Professor Snape's head.

After Cedric and Anthony had gotten a month's detention with Snape, we had gone inside to have hot chocolate with the house elves. We had been sitting at a table, the little house elves running around making meals and cleaning dishes when Dopsy had apparated into the kitchen.

"Miss is here! The friends must leave!" Dopsy said frantically. My heart had dropped. Anthony had choked on his hot chocolate while Cedric had stiffened.
"What, wait why, h-how" I stammered, feeling terrified.
"She needs to speak with you miss" Dopsy had tears welling in their big eyes.

"Dopsy where is she?" I asked, wiping the tears that had fallen from their eyes.
"Waiting in the hall miss" They whimpered, their legs shaking beneath them.

I let out a shaky breath, feeling unprepared for the madness that came with Laura.
"Stay in here please" I asked, moving towards the door that lead to the hall. Anthony agreed to stay, while Cedric had stayed silent.

Laura had been waiting for me right outside the door.
"Well well well" She sighed, taking in the full sight of me at Hogwarts.
"Come on, I need to talk to you" She huffed as she started walking down the corridor. She had obviously assumed I would follow her, since she hadn't looked back once while she was leading the way.

I followed a few steps behind her as she walked up the stairs and along the corridors until we had gotten to where she needed. It had seemed odd that she wanted to speak in an abandoned classroom, but I decided not to question it.

Laura opened the creaky door and stepped in. I hadn't expected to see any familiar faces inside, but I did. Brendon stood against a wall, talking quietly with who I had assumed were his parents.

He had looked over to me once the heavy door creakily closed against the frame. His vacant expression had been replaced with a smug smile as he trailed his eyes all over me.

"Meet your future husband" Laura mused. Brendon stood proudly with him parents by his side.
"Well my love, we get to be mine after all" Brendon spoke with a taunting smile.
"There is no way in hell I would ever marry you" I seethed, turning towards the door.

"Now, now sweetheart," Laura spoke with fake affection written all over her. "Let's not disrespect your fiancé."
"He is not my fiancé" I countered, leaving the abandoned classroom.

I stormed down the empty corridor. What am I going to tell Cedric? Obviously Im not going to marry Brendon, what he did to me is unforgivable. Did Laura honestly think I would do whatever she said?

Tw: Abuse, Dark thoughts
please do not read if this is a sensitive topic for you <3
My thoughts were interrupted bye a fierce hand latching onto my wrist. Laura shoved me into a wall.
"Don't you ever embarrass me like that again!" She huffed, her face red with anger.
"I'm not marrying him" I said sternly.
"You think you're in charge here?" She laughed, "Don't think for a second that you are worth anything more than the dirt on my shoe"

That stung.

"I may not be worth anything but I'm not stupid" I objected. Laura had a moment of realization before it quickly turned into pure rage. She struck her hand across my face.

"You are nothing." She whispered before walking away. I slouched down against the wall, sitting down on the cold floor as the tears fell down my face.

you're nothing

that's all you'll ever be




absolutely nobody.


The annual Gryffindor New year party was tonight. Fred, George, and Lee had planned it, as they are the ones with all the connections. The had smuggled butterbeer and firewhiskey from madam Rosmerta's.

I hadn't told Cedric about what happened with Laura and Brendon. Only because it was still a fresh scar engraved in my brain. I didn't know if I would ever tell him.

I didn't want to break up with him. He's one of the only people who has only been there for me through it all. But it seemed like it was my only choice. There wasn't any way he could help. I didn't want to hurt him, but it seems like it's the only way.

I had gotten dragged along to the party by Anthony. He had insisted that I have some fun with him. He had only convinced me when he said we weren't going to dance.

Anthony handed me my drink,
"C'mom we're not staying" He said, nudging me to follow him. I got up from the chair I had been sitting on, following Anthony to where ever we were going.

We ended up sitting in the astronomy tower, looking out across the night sky.
"Are you okay?" Anthony asked, "After you talked with Laura you seemed a little off."

What could I say that would make him think I was okay. I'm not okay, that's a little obvious. I don't have to lie to him. I know he's very supportive. But I haven't told Cedric yet.

"She wants me to marry Brendon" I said it without even thinking. The look of horror on Anthony's face was intense.
"I'm not marrying him obviously, but I don't know what to do about it or how to tell Cedric." I spoke, taking a drink of the firewiskey Anthony had brought.

"I am so sorry honey" Anthony whispered, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissing the top of my head.
"I'll be fine" I lied.

I wouldn't be fine. After what happened with him last year, and everything that's been happening with Laura, there was no way I could be fine.

Im damaged goods.

authors note:
you are everything.
you are enough.
you are here for a reason<3

i love every single one of you<33

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