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August 1993

"Lexie, darling your Hogwarts letter came" Dad said, handing me my letter. I tore the envelope open skimming through the acceptance paragraph of the letter, looking down to the list of books I would need for this year.

There was something else too, a silver prefect pin. I looked at the letter again, sure enough, there was a letter explaining that I was a prefect.
"Do you have anything silver on?" Dad asked. I shook my head in disbelief.
"I'm a prefect" I said looking up at him.
"What! that's amazing!" Dad said, looking over at me with a proud smile on his face.
"I don't think I can do it, I mean I don't like getting people in trouble" I said blankly, still holding the pin in my hand.
"Honey, I promise you it's not that horrible, I had to do it too" He laughed.

"You were a prefect!?" I asked, whipping my head over to him.
"Yep, I was, with Lily in fifth year" He said, sipping his tea.
"You never told me that" I said turning back to the letter, just to make sure it was actually correct.

Dad and I agreed that we would go to diagon alley during the third week of August. That would give dad a week to recover from the full moon. We would go with the Weasley's, which we would always do.


The full moon was bad. I had never seen it this horrible for dad. James and Sirius were with him and It was still the worst I've ever seen the morning after. Cuts and bruises were scattered all over his back and arms.

I would always help him with the cuts he couldn't reach. James and Sirius stayed with us the whole day to make sure dad and I were okay.
"You lot go home, I'm okay" Dad groaned, sitting down on the couch.
"No, you need help dad" I said, cleaning the cuts on his back.
"Moony no" James said, grabbing pillows and blankets so dad could be comfortable.
"Absolutely not" Sirius said without a second thought.

Dad had finally agreed to let them stay and help. I cleaned the cuts on his back carefully with essence of dittany. Once the dittany was there I covered them with bandages.

Dads hip had been bothering him, like it usually did after a full moon. Sirius had put a cooling charm on him to help the bruises and the fever. James had made him breakfast, his favorite which they called 'Moony toast', which was a piece of toast with four different kinds of jam or marmalade on it.

"Dad, eat you'll feel better" I said giving him his plate of toast.
"Wow, using his own words against him, I love it" Sirius said, sitting down on the floor by the couch.
"You shouldn't have to take care of me love, I need to take care of you" Dad sighed.
"Shut up and eat your toast" I smiled.


"Alright darling, you ready to go?" Dad asked, grabbing a handful of floo powder. I nodded,  grabbing a small handful after him.
"Diagon alley!" Dad called out. As soon as he said those words he disappeared in the green flames. I stepped into the fireplace, grabbing a handful of floo powder.
"Diagon alley!" The green flames surrounded me until dad came into view.

We met with the Weasley's and went to go do our shopping. Fred, George, and I went on our own to get our books, quills, and everything else we would need for fifth year.

"Lex, how many quills do you need?" George asked.
"Uhm, probably three, how much ink do you need?" I asked. We had agreed that we would help each other find their things, just so we could be more organized, they had laughed at the idea at first but I knew it would help so we did it anyways.

We finished our shopping and went to go find our families.
"No, really, they do work" Fred said.
"We've tested them everyday for a month" George said, cringing at the memory.
"The puking and the boils were the worst" They said in unison.
"I don't know how you two could do that everyday" I grimaced.

We had found our parents in the book shop, helping Harry, Ron, and Hermionie find their books. Arthur Weasley was talking with another man and I didn't recognize. Everyone was scattered around the book store, either browsing or getting their school books.

"Alexandria, didn't know you were here, how are you?" Cedric came over to me and smiled.
"Cedric, it's still Lexie, hi, uhm I'm okay, how are you?" I said, turning away from the book I was looking at.
"I'm okay, I've actually been made a prefect this year" He said, looking a little boastful.
"Well Diggory, you aren't the only one who was made a prefect" I smiled at him. His face dropped slightly before he smiled again.
"Really, I was expecting that I just didn't want to ask you straightforward" He laughed a bit.
"It's okay" I said, now smiling uncontrollably and laughing awkwardly.

We started at each other for a moment. It had felt like we were the last two people on the planet. It's all that mattered right now, his gorgeous grey eyes staring into mine.

"Lexie, we're done, c'mon" Ron said, pulling Cedric and I from our little moment.
"Oh, uhm bye Cedric" I blushed furiously.
"Goodbye Alexandria" He said, giving me a slight smirk.



I saw you shopping at diagon alley today, how have we managed to accidentally be at the same place at the same time twice already? I don't know, but I really do enjoy it.

- Alexandria

authors note:
this chapters a little shorter than the other but whatever :)

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now