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September 1994

This couldn't be happening. I have to be dreaming. Cedric can't be a Triwizard champion. He can't get hurt. I just told him that I love him and he could die.

I was pulled out of my running thoughts by no one other than Cedric. He kissed my cheek as he walked past me towards the champions chamber.

His face had fallen after he looked back at me. My heart felt like it had fallen into my stomach. I felt so angry at him. But I had no reason to be angry, he made this decision. I can't stop him from competing. I just have to be supportive, he can't do this alone.


I had only gotten through the initial shock of Fleur and Cedric being Triwizard champions once they had been released back into the great hall.

Cedric came rushing up to me, ignoring most if not all of the students and staff cheering him on.
"Alexandria, can we go talk please?" He asked in a shaky voice.

He lead me into the Hufflepuff common room, up to his dorm. Neither one of us had said anything before Cedric pulled me into a captivating hug. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, hoping to offer him at least a little bit of comfort.

He sniffled softly into the crook of my neck. He was crying.
"Cedric, are you alright?" I asked, worry filling my insides. He pulled away for a moment. I wiped the stray tears from his flushed face, his arms still wrapped around my waist.
"I-I'm scared" He stuttered.
"It's okay to be scared" I held back my tears as I pulled him back into a hug, running my hand through the back of his hair.

Cedric had pulled away from me once again. He had stopped crying, his eyes and face were red and puffy.


The first task was at the end of November , so Cedric and Fleur had a few months to practice any speeds or jinxes they thought would come in handy.

Cedric had been persistent on taking me on a date as soon as possible. He wouldn't tell me what he had planned but he said I would love it.

He had also been very keen on the idea that it had to be a surprise until the very last minute. Cedric tied a blindfold across my eyes and lead me across the grounds.

"Okay, keep your eyes closed" Cedric said, untying the blindfold.
"Your eyes still closed?" He asked.
"Nope" I joked, turning my head to where I thought he was.
"Other side love" He laughed.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now" Cedric chimed excitedly. I opened my eyes to see a blanket spread across the grass with a picnic basket sitting in the middle. He had set up the picnic in front of the black lake, under a large tree.

"You did all of that for me?" I asked, my heart filling with love.
"Yeah" He answered, giving me a giddy smile. I wrapped my arms around his waist, thanking him.


We had finished our picnic just before students came rushing out to enjoy the sunny weather.
"I have another surprise" Cedric smiled.
"But-" I started, he had already given me a picnic, I didn't want him to do anything that would take more planning.
"Nope, we're doing it, come on" He interjected, grabbing my hand and leading me to wherever we were going next.

Cedric lead me to the quidditch pitch. I could only imagine what we were going to do here. I walked alongside Cedric as we walked across the field towards the storage closet.

Cedric dug around the closet for a moment before turning around and handing me one of the broomsticks he was holding. I had never liked the idea of flying, but I would do it with Cedric only because I knew he will be patient with me.

"You do know I haven't ridden on a broomstick since first year right? Unless you count my birthday last year" I laughed.
"I'll teach you then" He smiled, as we walked towards the middle of the field

"Okay, so umm, mount your broom. You know how to do that right?" Cedric advised, mounting his broom in the process.
"No Cedric, I don't know how to get a broomstick in between my legs" I said, sarcasm laced in my tone.
"I don't think you know how to get anything between your legs" Cedric joked.
"Like you would know what's been between mg legs" I laughed.

Cedric and I stood with our brooms in between our legs as I listened to him talk about how to kick off the ground. It seemed pretty simple until I tried it and almost fell straight on myself.

"You just have to trust yourself then that won't happen." Cedric advised, helping me get off the ground. I tried to just do it and see if anything else happened but once again, I fell off.

"You alright?" Cedric asked, helping me up again. I nodded, brushing he small amount of dirt that had gotten on my jeans.
"Come here, I'll do it with you" Cedric said. He grabbed his broomstick, bringing it over to me.

We both mounted his broom, thankfully I was able to kick off the first time. Cedric's hands gripped the handle near the upper part of my inner thigh. His arms were wrapped around me.

We dropped slightly, causing me to flinch slightly.
"Focus okay? You can do it" Cedric whispered in my ear.
"It's kinda hard to do that right now" I muttered.
"What's that Lex? Someone distracting you?" He teased, moving his hands closer to me.
"Not at all" I lied. He knew what he was doing, and he wasn't going to stop any time soon.

Once Cedric and I had finished flying around the quidditch field a few times we put the brooms back in the storage closet.

I decided that I would get Cedric back for teasing me earlier. I cupped his jaw, slowly tracing his sharp jawline with my finger. He leaned closer to me, grabbing the sides of my hips and kissed my forehead lightly. Once he pulled away I stood on my toes and kissed him softly.

His lips were slowly moving against mine, being careful not to be to rough yet. I ran my fingers through the back of his hair, tugging softly at his amber colored hair.

I broke away from the kiss only to plant light kisses across his jawline. He groaned so softly it was hard to even hear. I stepped away from him, just after he realized he wanted more.

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