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February 1995

The second task had come up quicker than I had expected. Cedric had told me that he had figured out the egg, but he refused to say anything else about it. He had been spending an awful lot of time in the library, I assumed he was researching.

"Miss.Lupin?" Professor McGonnagall had come up with Madam Maxime and Fleur's sister and Hermionie.
"Yes Professor?" I smiled, storing the book I was reading back into my bag.
"Come have a biscuit, will you?" McGonnagall smiled.
"Of course" I packed my things away and followed through the corridors.

"Do you have any idea why it's just us?" I walked alongside Hermionie and Gabrielle.
"No idea" Hermionie huffed anxiously. Gabrielle shook her head as we approached professor McGonnagall's office.

"Please, sit" Professor McGonnagall nodded to the chairs in front of her desk.
"I didn't call you all in here to have biscuits" She had a gloomy look on her face. I looked over to Hermionie who seemed to have instantly realized what was happening.

"You three have been chosen as the treasures for the champions, Professor Dumbledore and I will not let any harm come to you. If you are in any danger you will be rescued immediately." Silence followed McGonnagall's words.

I didn't know what to think. I didn't know if Cedric could do it or not, I didn't even know if he knew I was the treasure. I don't know if I can do it.

"I'm very sorry for this" Professor McGonnagall cast the enchanted slumber charm over us. Everything slowly went dark.

I'm cold.

Cedric's arms were wrapped tightly around me guiding me through the freezing water. I don't remember anything. My clothes were wet. It was like waking up from a very bad dream.

He kept his arms wrapped around me, trying to warm me up. The crowd erupted in cheers of Cedric's name.

He did it

He saved me.

Once we had gotten to the shore towels had been wrapped around both of our shoulders. I was still a little disoriented, everything was so loud.

"Lexie what the actual fuck!" Anthony rushed up to Cedric and I, looking full of shock.
"What!" I stepped back, the rocks underneath my feet knocking together.
"Why the hell were you in the lake! It's fucking freezing!" I could tell he was panicking, that was the only time I would ever hear him yell.
"No, I thought it was boiling outside?" I said sarcastically. "You know, its only fucking February." I continued.
"Shes the treasure from the riddle in the egg" Cedric's voice was raspy, like he hadn't used it in a while. Anthony's jaw had dropped for a moment as he looked between Cedric and I.

"The champions have recovered each of their treasures! Mr.Diggory has won first place, for the excellent use of the bubble head charm and rescuing Miss.Lupin in record time!" Dumbledore had spoken as the crowd erupted in excitement.

"Mr.Krum had spaced second, the transfiguration of the upper part of his body, as well as saving Miss.Granger shortly after Mr.Diggory!" The Durmstrang students cheered loudly.

"Miss.Delacour had placed third in this task, for the near miss of a grindylow as well as saving her sister Gabrielle after Mr.Krum and Mr.Diggory!" Many people clapped for Fleur, who looked flawless even though she had just been attacked by a grindylow.


"You're freezing. Come take a bath" Cedric wrapped his towel around my shoulders as we walked towards the castle.
"I don't even know how many people will come looking for you if we go in the prefects bathroom" I laughed, shrugging his towel off and wrapping it back around him.

Both of our clothes were soaking wet. Cedric was dressed in a yellow tank top and black shorts, while I was wearing a black shirt and sweatpants.

"I didn't mean the prefects bathroom." Cedric looked over to me, his eyes drifting to my lips.
"I want somewhere more private." He looked back to my eyes, making me look away blushing. He always had to do that.

Once we had made it to his dorm we stripped out of our wet clothes and started a bath. I rested my back against Cedric's chest as he wrapped his arms around me. The warm water surrounding our cold skin.

"My heart dropped when I saw you under there." Cedric rested his chin on my shoulder.
"You didn't even look alive." He whispered, running his thumb over my skin, "It didn't look like you were breathing, I thought I was too late."
"You got me in time" I reminded him, "My hearts beating." I grabbed his hand, pressing over my chest. Cedric held me tighter, keeping his hand over my chest.

"I love you Alexandria"
"I love you Cedric"

"How come you always call me Alexandria?" I asked. I don't know why I had only asked it now, but it felt like the right moment.
"It felt special that I was the only one." He smiled, shifting under me.
"It made me feel special." I admitted, "That you were the only one who felt you didn't have to listen to me." Cedric leaned over and kissed the side of my face.

Cedric and I finally got out of the bath once it had become lukewarm. Fluffy towels wrapped around both of our bodies.

He climbed into his bed without any clothes, the heavy duvet. I debated it for a moment, Cedric must've noticed.
"I'm so sorry, do you need clothes?" He had sounded a little guilty. I shook my head, dropping my towel next to his and climbing in next to him.

"You are the most mesmerizing person I've ever met." Cedric smiled as he kissed the tip of my nose.
"Go to sleep." I laughed, playfully shoving his shoulder. I noticed the faint scar across his chest and ran my fingers along the jagged line. He grabbed my hand, pressing it against his chest, over his heart.

Cedric kissed my forehead before pulling me closer to him. We fell asleep, our skin pressed against each other's.

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