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September 1994

I hadn't gotten much sleep the whole week. The possibility that Laura would most likely pull me out of school was streaming continuously in my head. There wasn't anything anyone could do to stop it either. My only other guardian is in Azkaban.

There was no doubt that the Triwizard tournament would be in the daily prophet. This is the first time the tournament has happened in years. She would know about it in no time.

I could either worry that Laura is going to show up and take me away from my family again, or I could enjoy the time I get to spend with them. I wanted to enjoy the time I have with them but I know i'm going to be worrying as well.

Classes would start the following week, after the champions were chosen. I wondered how everyone would handle having so many students in each class. Snape would undoubtedly be nasty to everyone except the Slytherins and maybe the Durmstrang students.


I walked to the castle along with Fleur and a couple of the friends I had made. The great hall was quiet, which wasn't unusual for this early in the morning. We sat down at the Ravenclaw table and placed a variety of food on our plates.

Students slowly trickled in, slowly walking to their house tables. I had sat on the bench of the Ravenclaw table that faced the doors of the great hall. I watched as the familiar faces talked and ate with their friends.

My heart stopped at the sight of one person in particular. I dropped my fork on the floor, catching the attention of the people near me.
I sat there staring at Brendon as a devilish look spread across his features.

He made his way towards the Ravenclaw table, keeping his eyes on me. I panicked. I hurriedly stood up and walked towards the doors. I knew he would follow me. I couldn't be alone with him.

"Lexie" He said as his hand gripped my shoulder hard. I brushed his hand off and kept walking. I tried desperately to ignore the lump in my throat.

I could hear his footsteps behind me as I walked down the crowded corridors. I was being unbelievably stupid right now. Eventually there would be nowhere to go. I would be alone with him.

One of the corridors was extremely crowded. I took this as an opportunity to find a place to hide. I slipped into one of the bathrooms, hoping Brendon wouldn't notice where I had disappeared.

"Whatcha doing Lex?" a Familiar voice questioned from behind me. It was Cedric. Of course it was. He's everywhere all the time.
"Uhm, nothing" I said nervously. Nothing compared to the level of anxiety and dread I was feeling in this moment.

"Well um, I was just about to go walk around the grounds. Do you want to come with me?" Cedric asked.
"Yes!" I said eagerly. He gave a an odd look before brushing it off and walking towards me.
"Let's go" He smiled.

I could stare at him for hours. He's absolutely perfect in every way. The feelings I feel towards him are indescribable. He knocks the breath out of my lungs with the slightest glance. I'm completely and utterly in love with him.

Cedric and I walked out of the bathroom into the now deserted corridor. I followed behind him as we walked around the castle grounds. We lead me to the secret garden hidden behind the castle.

We sat on one of the stone benches that were surrounded by beautiful flowers. It was quiet there.
"Do you remember when we ran into each other studying here in third year?" Cedric asked, looking around at the flowers.
"Yes, and I still got a better score than you on the exam that day" I laughed.
"I haven't stopped coming here to study since that day, I would wait for you to leave, y'know since I thought you didn't like me." He admitted
"How could I not like you, I mean you're basically perfect" I blurted. I didn't mean to say that last part, but it was the truth.
"You think I'm perfect?" He asked, looking me deep in my eyes. I nodded, I knew I wouldn't be able to say anything. The look he was giving me was mesmerizing.

"I find you breathtakingly stunning, you-you're miraculous. I can't stop looking at you. I was afraid that with how I thought you felt about me, that it would ruin everything I've ever felt for you. So I kept it to myself. And that night in the broom closet, when we kissed, I had been waiting for that. When you said that Brendon had asked you on a date, all I could think of was how angry and envious I was that he got the chance to ask you first. You didn't deserve what he did to you. I've beaten myself up every single day since then for being too afraid to ask you out. You've always been there, for everyone. I remember the first time you even talked to me, It was in Defense Against The Dark Arts, your dad was showing us some kind of thing that I was scared of. You told me it would be okay. I knew I liked you then, and I haven't liked anyone else as much as I like you  since that day. Alexandria, you're my favorite person on the entire planet. You don't deserve any of the horrible things that have happened to you. You deserve to be loved and cared about until the very end. I honestly don't understand how anyone could ever dislike you." He spoke calmly as he looked up at the dark clouds in the sky.

I was in complete shock.
"What I'm saying Alexandria," He started, finally looking over at me, "Is that I am completely and utterly in love with everything about you"

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now