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Warning: slight sexual content
November 1994

Sure enough, dark hickeys scattered the inner part of both my thighs.
"Cedric you have a serious problem" I joked, turning to face him.
"Do I now?" He brought his hands to my hips, lifting me effortlessly onto the cold countertop.
"You might just have to help me with that then love" He whispered, kissing just below my ear. Butterflies filled my stomach as Cedric pulled away from me, looking at me with a lusty smirk.

I wrapped one arm around his shoulder, the other hand caressing his jaw. I kissed along his jawline, feeling his breath get slightly shaky. I made my way down his chest leaving hickeys in my trail.

Before a was able to make it to his chest Cedric pushed his hips against mine. I instinctively wrapped my legs around him as he held the back of my thighs, picking me up.

He pushed me up against the nearby wall, smashing his lips onto mine. I felt him grow hard again as he pushed his hips into mine continuously. Our kiss was messy, both of us too dazed by the lust to take a breath.

Cedric walked away from the wall, holding my thighs tightly. He threw me onto his bed near his headboard, climbing on top of me. I wrapped my legs around him again, flipping us over so I was straddling his hips.

He grabbed the sides of my hips tightly, pushing me down as he thrusted his hips upward. I let out a breathy moan at the same time as he let out a low lusty moan. I continued the assault of hickeys on his neck and chest, kissing down his abs.

I left light hickey over his stomach, as I ran my fingers around his hips, teasing him.
"Are you sure you want to?" I asked, tugging at the band of his boxers.
"Please" He moaned, gripping his sheets tightly. I palmed his bulge, teasing him as I left a dark hickey on his hip.

"Jesus! You two are such horny fucks" Anthony exclaimed, turning away from Cedric and I. I moved off Cedric, sitting down next to him as he grabbed a pillow to put over his lap.

"Are you two done" Anthony laughed, peeking behind himself.
"Well no, but I didn't think you'd want to join" Cedric said sarcastically.
"No offense Cedric, but you're not exactly my type" Anthony teased.
"Suit yourself" Cedric shrugged.

"I never though you would be this full of yourself Ced" Anthony darted a sarcastic smile towards Cedric. "at least you're not as bad the the she-devils" Anthony shuddered at the thought.
"Who're they?" I asked, feeling very confused.
"Cristina and Stephanie" Anthony fake gagged after speaking.
"Makes sense" I laughed.

Anthony came up next to me, leaning one of his hands on the bed.
"Wonder what kind of diseases I'll get now" Anthony joked, wiping his hand on the front of his jeans dramatically.
"Dude, did you try and kill her or something?" Anthony asked, moving my hair away from my neck to reveal the dark purple spots. Cedric tried to hide his laugher, he was failing at it very miserably.
"I wouldn't be laughing mate, you're not much better" Anthony went on.

Cedric got up and walked to the bathroom. Almost as soon as he walked in he walked back out, staring at me.
"You really had to attack my neck like that?" He giggled.
"All of that" I said, motioning towards him, "was payback, you did it first"

"Okay yeah whatever, anyways Cedric, I was talking to Michael yesterday, y'know how he's in Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class?" Anthony started. "Hagrid said the first task was brought yesterday, and I noticed Charlie Weasley. He's the one that has all those crazy animals and things, but the thing he takes most are dragons. So the first task is either a bunch of weird animals or a Dragon."

"Wait Charlie Weasley, Lex didn't I meet him yesterday?" Cedric turned to me.
"Yeah, that's why he was here yesterday. He took me to see the dragons" I shared.
"So it is a dragon!" Anthony beamed.
"I have to battle a dragon." Cedric sat down on the edge on his bed, holding his head in his hands.
"Ced you love dragons! Why aren't you more excited?" Anthony gushed.
"Anthony, dragons breath fire." He said bluntly.

"You know like a billion things about dragons mate, this task was like made for you" Anthony sat down next to him, throwing his arm around Cedric's shoulder.
"You do realize I've never actually seen a real dragon, let alone battle one" Cedric reminded him.

I sat down next to Cedric, grabbing his hand, hoping that would give him at least a little bit of comfort .
"There has to be some way to get around it, the tasks are designed for you to actually achieve the goal." I started.
"Are dragons scared of anything like a turtle or something?" Anthony suggested.
"It's a dragon Anthony, not a worm" Cedric laughed.

"Do they fall asleep easily?" I asked. "Hagrid had said that music will make anything fall asleep."
"They don't need much sleep, and they can stay awake for days on end" Cedric sighed, falling onto his back.

"Is there like one part of their body, that like- I don't know is sensitive or something?" Anthony sighed.
"I mean, their stomach is, but it takes a lot to do serious damage" Cedric started. "Even if I could do it, I'm not hurting a dragon like that."

"Cedric, either you get hurt or the dragon does." Anthony countered.
"Then I'll get hurt" Cedric shrugged.
"Cedric Im not letting you get hurt because of a bloody dragon!" I protested.
"Im not hurting an animal, if I do get hurt Madam Pomfrey can heal me" Cedric argued.
"Cedric it's not that simp-" I argued

"Distracted! Dragons get distracted easily!" Cedric burst out. He stood from the bed, walking around his room.
"That's what I was trying to think of, I knew it was something simple, they get distracted easily!" Cedric beamed.

"Cedric where are you going?" I asked, watching him struggle to get his clothes on quickly.
"Library!" He called before shutting his door.

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