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December 1993

Christmas eve was always spent at the burrow. We would all spend the day messing around in the snow, then coming inside to warm up with a warm glass of butterbeer by the fireplace.

"Charlie! No! Please?" I begged as he threw me over his shoulder, about to toss me into a pile of snow. He did it anyway. I carefully got up and brushed the snow off of my previously dry clothes.

Charlie's back was facing me, helping Ginny build a snowman. I took this as an opportunity to get back at him. I bunched up a little pile of snow and threw it straight at the back of his head. The perfectly white snow covered the entire back of his red hair.

I ran for it, knowing that he would immediately do anything to get back at me. I trudged through the thick snow covering the ground all the way back to the house.

I slipped off my boots and stepped inside, making sure not to get any excess snow on the floor. I walked into the living room to leave my boots to dry, but there were people in there. Cedric was there.

"You must be Alexandria! It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Amos Diggory" An older kind looking man, who I assumed was Cedric's father, greeted.
"It's very nice to meet you too Mr.Diggory" I smiled, sticking my hand out for him to shake.
"Please dear, call me Amos" He gleamed.

"Lexie honey, do you mind helping me?" Molly asked, scurrying around the kitchen making dinner.
"Of course Molly" I said, politely excusing myself to go help.

I had just finished washing the dishes Molly was done with when I was cornered by Bill, Charlie, Fred, and George who all had suspicious smirks on their faces.
I knew what was about to happen, so I tried to get past them. Surprisingly I actually did it.

I had managed to get halfway up the first staircase before one of them wrapped their arms around my waist and carried me down the stairs.
"Seriously Charlie! Again?" I said as I saw Bill, Charlie, and George with proud looks plastered across their faces.

"Fred put me down." I knew that wouldn't work but it was worth a shot.
"Lexie, darling it's you're not getting out of this that easily." Fred said, while he continued to walk towards the front door.

Fred trudged through the snow while I squirmed to try and get out of his grip. George had noticed this and grabbed my legs so it was harder to move.

"Ready Fred?" George said, slightly turning towards his twin.
"Ready George!" Fred replied. They swung me into a large pile of powdery snow. I sunk deep into the pile of snow. I could hear Fred and George's booming laughter from above me.

I struggled my way out of the semi-deep hole I was stuck in. I brushed as much snow off of me as I could, just to realize I had to walk all the way back to the house without shoes.

I grabbed two handfuls of snow and piled in on top of each of the twins heads.
"There you go pumkinheads" I smiled, starting to walk back to the house.

"Boys! Do not just let her walk back here!" Molly scolded.
"William, give her your coat" Bill looked stunned, "What did I just say! Go give her your coat! Now!" Bill took his coat off the rack and ran to come give it to me.

Bill wrapped his coat around my shoulders while Fred and George hastily picked me up.
"Okay stop! I can walk just fine, really!" I said, trying to get out of their grip.
"Mum said to not let you walk back and I don't want to deal with her so suck it up" George said.
"Fine." I huffed.

"Honestly boys! Why would you do such a thing! Look at her! She's about to freeze to death!"
"Molly I'm fine re-" I started, before Molly cut me off.
"Sush dear, you don't need to defend them" She whispered.

After Molly had finished scolding her sons I hung Bills coat back on the rack and went to get a change of clothes on. I opened the door to Ginny's room to see Crookshanks and Muffin snuggled together on Ginny's bed.

I slipped my cold wet clothes off and put a warm hoodie and comfy pants on. I left the room quietly closing to door to be met with a confused looking Cedric.

"Lex, I can't find the bathroom" He said while laughing a little.
"It's the second to last door on the right" I laughed, pointing towards the end of the hall.
"Thank you" He smiled. I nodded and continued my way back downstairs.


Cedric and his father had left a few hours ago. All of the Weasley children, Harry, Hermionie, and I had stayed up in the living room. Everyone had slowly filtered out until it was just Bill and I.

We sat on the floor by the couch in front of the fire, just watching the flames dance around in the fireplace.
"Mum really lost it earlier" Bill laughed.
"Yeah" I laughed along with him.

"Cedric couldn't take his eyes off you the whole time he was here" Bill said, still staring into the flames.
"I seriously doubt that" I huffed.
"I'm not kidding, he would not stop looking at you. Charlie tried to talk to him but he just kept looking at you " He finally looked over to me. I looked away from him, not knowing what to say.

He's lying

Why would he lie

Cedric doesn't see me like that

What about what happened in the broom closet?

"Bill, can I tell you something?" I wasn't thinking. Cedric asked me not to tell anyone. But it's not like Bill would care that much.
"Go for it" He said calmly.
"Cedric kissed me in a broom closet a few weeks ago and he asked me not to tell anyone, but I just told you. Oh god! I'm such a horrible person" I rambled.
"Woah Lexie, it's okay" Bill chuckled. I sat still, with my legs up to my chest with my arms wrapped around them, my head resting on my knees.

"He had a girlfriend when we kissed" I mumbled.
"Okay uhm, okay" Bill stuttered.
"Well does she know?" He asked. I shook my head slightly.
"Are they still together?" He asked.
"I don't know" I sighed, lifting my head from my knees.

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