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September 1993

I lead the first years into the common room, where Professor Sprout greeted them with a smile.
"Oh, dear, the defense system was activated?" Sprout asked, looking over to me. I nodded, darting my eyes over to Cedric. We lead the boys and girls to their dorms, then came back down to the common room to get our dorm room number from Sprout.

"You two get your own dorms, at the top of the middle staircase" Sprout said, giving us the keys to our dorms. We nodded walking up the stairs to our dorms.

"Alexandria Caroline Lupin, come here right now" Cristina called from the common room.
"You too Cedric" She added.
"Your middle name's Caroline?" Cedric asked, giving me a smirk.
"Yes, now come on or she's gonna yell at us" I smiled.

We walked down to the common room, where we were met with Cristina and Anthony sitting in front of the fire. I walked behind the couch and leaned my head next to Cristina's.

"Miss, Cristina Calliope Edwards, what do you want" I smiled.
"How did being a tour guide for the first years go? Wait, you smell like vinegar, oh no, and your hairs wet. Don't tell me you let one of them try it" She said, looking sympathetic.
"Yes, I got sprayed with vinegar, but it wasn't a first year" I sighed.
"You're not dumb enough to do that to yourself- Cedric, how did you manage to do that?" Cristina laughed.
"A first year asked a question and I got distracted" Cedric blushed.
"Wow Ced, can't believe you let a lady get sprayed with vinegar instead of you, not very gentlemanly" Anthony teased.
"He was being smart and moved but I just didn't notice" I laughed.
"Okay Lex, go shower, you smell nasty" Anthony said.

I walked into my dorm, it was huge, there was a queen sized bed, a large closet, a medium sized bookshelf, and a large bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. I found black fluffy towels under the sink.

I stripped off my cold, wet, vinegar soaked clothes, and put them in my laundry basket. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water run over my body.

Once I was done washing my hair and my body, I turned the water off and grabbed my towel. I put moisturizer on my skin and dried my hair.

I walked out of my bathroom to be met with Cristina laying on my bed, Anthony sitting on my Trunk, and Cedric sitting on the floor petting Muffin.
"Uhm, hi?" I said, looking at all of them.
"Hey, Alexandr- okay, I'm going to leave" Cedric said, standing up and opening the door.
"What, oh, okay I'm leaving" Anthony said, following Cedric out of my dorm.

I opened my trunk and grabbed my clothes, while Cristina stayed on my bed reading a book. I walked back into the bathroom and changed into my clothes.

I walked back into my room and sat down next to Cristina on my bed.
"Why didn't you tell me anything was wrong?" She asked quietly.
"Cause I was pissed and I didn't want to talk about it" I replied.
"Don't lie to me, you know I hate that" She said, not looking at me.
"I'm sorry, you know I wouldn't lie to hurt you" I said staring up at the ceiling. Cristina scoffed and left my dorm without another word.



You sprayed me with vinegar, I know it wasn't on purpose but it still sucked. I don't know if I can ever forgive you. If you couldn't tell, I'm joking. It didn't even matter that much.

After you and Anthony left my dorm Cristina and I talked and she got pissed at me because of what happened when we were walking towards the castle. I don't know what I did, she doesn't have a reason to be mad that I didn't want to talk about it.

I know it's stupid that I'm writing this, you're never going to get it, I'm never going to send the letters I've written to you, but it's the only way I can get it out, so I'm telling you, in a letter you'll never get.

- Alexandria


I woke up the next morning, there weren't going to be classes until Tomorrow. I got ready for the day and decided to unpack my trunk. I put my clothes in my wardrobe and my books in the book case. I had brought a few little items from home that I put on my shelf.

I finished unpacking and walked down to the common room. I found Cristina and Anthony sitting on the couch, talking to a girl I didn't know. I had decided that it would be a good idea to ask Professor Flitwick about the choir club, so I walked out of the common room towards the charms classroom.

I walked through the empty corridors, loving the silence that surrounded me. Before I knew it, I was im front of the charms classroom door. I knocked on the door and was met with tiny Professor Flitwick standing in front of me.

"Miss. Lupin! Hello, do you need anything?" He asked, his voice squeaking a bit.
"Hi Professor, uhm I just wanted to know more about your choir club" I said, messing with the rings on my fingers.
"Oh yes, we meet everyday after classes at 4:00 and I assign a song genre each week after the first month, then we will perform them in class." He smiled. "Where you thinking of joining?"
"Yeah, I was actually, I just wanted to know about it, thank you" I said, now feeling extremely embarrassed that I even thought of joining.


Cristina didn't talk to me for the whole day. I didn't know what her problem was, it's not like I lied about something that would hurt her. She's completely ignoring me and there's nothing I can really do about it. I just sat there while she talked and laughed with everyone else.

I didn't know what was happening or why she was so mad but I hated it.

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now