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Warning: sexual content
February 1995

The sun hadn't come up yet when I woke up that morning. Cedric was still asleep, breathing slowly. I rested my head again this chest, listening to the pattern of his beating heart. He instinctively moved his arm around me, moving closer.

The towels from the second task lay near the bathroom near the door. The moonlight shining on them. My skin still felt colder than it usually was. I hadn't known how long I was in the lake, maybe I would never know.

Cedric rustled under me, opening his tired eyes slightly.
"What's keeping you up?" He had wrapped his arm around my waist, as he rested his lips against the top of my head.
"I'm cold" I whispered, my eyes feeling heavy.
"I'm toasty warm over here" Cedric's smile was faintly illuminated by the moonlight.

Our eyes connected for a moment, before I moved towards him. Our skin pressed together, fitting together perfectly in the curve of our bodies.

"I don't even want to let you go." Cedric's arms pulled me close to him.
"Don't let me go." I whispered into the crook of his neck, pressing a light kiss onto his skin. He lowered his head down slightly, pressing his lips against mine.

Our lips moved together perfectly, the gentle bite of one another's lip every once in a while. Legs and arms becoming entangled in each other's limbs. The bedsheets quickly being moved to get closer.

Cedric shifted his body to hover over me as I lied on my back. He brought his hand to cup my jaw as he kissed me softer than he ever had.

His eyes locked with mine. I knew what he was trying to say.

"Alexandria, I don't want to do anything that will make to feel uncomfortable." He explained, pressing a kiss on my forehead.
"I've never been more comfortable than when I'm with you." I reassured him.

"Are you sure you want to?" He asked. I nodded, placing my hand on the back of his neck.
"I need you to say it love." He tucked a stand of hair away from my face.

"I want to, I have never wanted to more than I do right now." I blushed.
Cedric had a smirk plastered on his lips before saying, "What do you want?"
"I want you to kiss me." I ran a hand through his messy hair. Cedric dipped his head to mine, kissing me slowly.

Just when I was about to kiss his neck, he moved away. Cedric must've noticed the disappointed look on my face.
"Is that not what you wanted love?" He fake pouted, trying not to smile.
"You know that's not what I wanted." I ran my hand along the curve of his back.

"You said you wanted a kiss. Would you rather I kiss you somewhere else?"
"Tell me where, and I'll do it." Cedric whispered, kissing just below my ear.

"Everywhere, kiss me everywhere." I said breathlessly.
"Anything you want." He breathed, kissing along my collarbones.

Cedric had brought my nipple into his mouth, making me moan at his touch in such a sensitive area. His hands ran along my body, feeling everywhere he wanted.

He had moved along my stomach, pressing trails of kisses until he got to the inside of my thighs. He hooked his arm around my thigh, drawing shapes on my hips as he teasingly kissed my thighs.

"I haven't even touched you here, yet you're already so wet for me." Cedric whispered pressed one last kiss against my skin.
"Would you like me to touch you love?" He cooed, tracing his hands closer to my heat.
"Yes" I moaned.

He hadn't hesitated even for a second. He rubbed soft circles over my clit, making my back arch with pleasure. His mouth had replaced his hand, as he ran his tongue along me. I had moaned louder than I had expected, making me move my hand over my mouth.

I had laced my hand through his hair subtlety guiding him to where I needed him. Just as I felt my body tensing up, he stopped.

I whined when he moved away from me. He looked back at me instantly, smirking.
"I'm not done with you yet." He bent over the side of his bed, trying to find something in his drawer.

He had grabbed a pack of condoms, looking back at me.
"We don't have t-" He started, before I had cut him off.
"I want to."

He tore one package from the pack, setting it on the bedside table. We kissed each gently, trying to savor this moment.
Cedric grabbed the condom once again, tearing the foil open and carefully taking it off. He rolled the condom on himself, making sure it was on properly.

He positioned himself at my entrance, looking me in the eyes as he slowly entered me, we both gasped at the new feeling. The pain had been sharp and burning, but only lasted a few moments. Cedric made sure I was comfortable before he slowly thrusted in and out of me, gradually moving deeper inside of me.

Our moans filled the room, along with the quiet creaking of the bed posts. He kissed me every few moments, whispering encouraging words. Cedric had started thrusting a bit faster, hitting all the spots that made me crumble at his touch.

His muscles tightened as he thrusted one last time. I had reached my peak just as he trusted deep into me. Our heavy breaths and hot skin was the only thing I could focus on.

"I love you more than anyone Alexandria."

"I love you more than life itself Cedric."

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