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December 1994

The yule ball was tonight, Fleur and I hand gone dress shopping along with Hermionie while we were out one afternoon in Hogsmeade. Fleur had decided on a beautiful silver dress, while Hermionie had gone for a sparkly periwinkle dress made with layers of tulle. I had a difficult time finding a dress, none of them had really caught my eye until I had spotted a beautiful lavender colored one with detailed little flowers.

Unfortunately, I had to ask Fred and George for some of the bruise removal paste they had finally perfected. Cedric and I had made the astonishing discovery that it worked wonders on hickeys. We had run out of your container just before the ball, and we both had quite a lot hickeys to remove.


I had gotten ready for the ball with Fleur. She had done a beautiful job doing my makeup. I wasn't wearing a lot, with it was enough to make me look at least a little fancy. I had done a simple hairstyle, nothing over the top.

Fleur and I walked up to the castle to meet our dates. Roger Davies had asked her a few weeks ago. Cedric had come around the corner with Anthony, they both looked extremely handsome.

A bright smile had appeared on Cedric's face once he had seen me.
"You look beautiful my love" He kissed my cheek.
"Not as beautiful as you" I countered. Cedric shook his head, quietly laughing.

Anthony had gone into the great hall to find his date, just as Professor McGonagall had ushered  the remaining students into the hall. Fleur, Roger, Viktor, and Hermionie, Cedric and I. Hermionie hadn't told anyone who she was going with, I was sure it was Ron but I hadn't even expected Viktor.

We all linked arms with our dates, following one after another into the great hall. There were beautiful decorations lining the walls. Hagrid had set up Christmas trees in every corner of the room. Tables lines the walls with drinks and food, along with twinkling lights around them. The ceiling had been bewitched to make snow fall, unfortunately it had disappeared before it had reached everyone.

Cedric had placed his hand on my waist as I took his hand in mine and placed my other hand over his shoulder.
"Look at me" Cedric reminded, just as the song had started. He lead us around as the students watched.

More and more students and Professors had followed as a few people started joining the dance. The song had gone on for a few minutes, by the end everyone had joined in with their dates.

Dancing with Cedric felt magical. Everything with him felt magical. He made me feel safe in a world where I felt I was attacked at every moment. I never wanted him to hurt because of me.

The song had ended, Cedric pulled me close and kissed my cheek.
"I love you Alexandria"
"I love you Cedric"

We had gone to get drinks just as Professor McGonnagal had scolded Fred, George, and Lee for spiking the punch. We had decided to sit down at a table with Anthony and his Date.

I watched as the couples danced around the room with nothing but happiness on their faces. Lavender Brown was dancing closely with Parvati Patil. George was dancing with Lee as Fred danced with Angelina Johnson. Harry had gotten the courage to ask Ginny after rehearsing it for weeks. Ron sat at a nearby table, scowling at Viktor.

"I'll be right back" I told Cedric before I walked over and sat with Ron.
"You could just ask her to dance... you know, instead of just sitting here and being all moody." I advised. Ron darted his head to look at me, complete shock written in his features. The shock had transformed into a scarlet blush.

"How did you know" He murmured, still looking at Hermionie.
"I've seen the way you two look at each other, I'm surprised nothings happened yet" I admitted.
"Who says nothings happened" He said, looking back to where Hermionie was standing.
"Oh, well, you should really ask her to dance, and ask her to the next ball. Trust me" I advised, patting his hand before going back to sit with my friends.

The Weird Sisters were rumored to be performing at the ball. Most had thought it was a joke and that Dumbledore would never let them come. It apparently wasn't a rumor since the band had just walked into the great hall.

Many people gasped and started whispering to one another once they had noticed. Cedric looked over to me smiling, signaling that we were going to dance even if I wanted to or not.

Cedric and I danced along to the upbeat song, along with the large group of people. He bobbed his head along to the beat making his hair slightly messier than it had been earlier this evening.

"Slowing it down for all you couples" A new singer had appeared on stage. A slow piano melody had started to play. I had looked over to Ron, who was now talking with Hermionie. She had taken his hand and lead what seemed a painfully awkward dance with him.

"May I have this dance?" Cedric asked, taking my hand in his.
"Why yes, you may" I smiled, moving my hand to his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close as we swayed along to the song.

"Je te laisserai des mots"
(I will let you notes)

"En dessous de ta porte"
(Under your door)

"En dessous de la lune qui chante"
(Below the singing moon)

"Tout près de la place où tes pieds passent"
(Very close to the place where your feet pass)

"Cachés dans les trous de ton divan"
(Hidden in the holes of your couch)

"Et quand tu es seule pendant un instant"
(And when you're alone for a while)

(Kiss me)

"Quand tu voudras"
(Whenever you want)

(Kiss me)

"Quand tu voudras"
(Whenever you want)

(Kiss me)

"Quand tu voudras"
(Whenever you want)

authors note:
the song is Je te laisserai des mots by Patrick Watson :)

romionie fan club <3

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