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September 1991

I would start my third year at Hogwarts today. I was able to pick my extra classes at the end of the last term. I had picked Care of Magical Creatures, and Divination.

I ran through the wall between the platforms, platform 9 3/4 appeared right before me. Harry had emerged from the wall shortly after me. He had a look of disbelief spread across his face. James, Lily, Sirius, and dad had already been on the platform waiting for us.

Dad, Harry, and I said goodbye to James, Lily, and Sirius. This was always the hard part. I hated saying goodbye. I never wanted to leave. Of course I love Hogwarts but I hated not being able to see them for a majority of the year. They were my family, of course I would miss them, even if I still had dad and Harry with me.

We boarded the train, Harry had gone to sit with Ron, Fred and George's younger brother, while I went to find Cristina. It was a slight struggle to carry my bag and Muffin, I don't know how I managed to do it, but I did.

Cristina and I talked all about our summers, even though both of ours were pretty uneventful. We sat in a comfortable silence until there was a knock at the compartment door. It was Cedric and his friend Anthony Rickett.

"Hey Tina, Lexie" Anthony smiled.
Cristina blushed while she gave him a small wave and a smile. Holy shit. Anthony sat down next to Cristina on the bench across from me. I had completely forgot that Cedric had come along with Anthony until he sat down next to me.

Cristina and Anthony had starting talking and giggling together.
"What's your cats name?" Cedric asked quietly,
"Oh, his names Muffin, I got him last year" I smiled. "That's cute, he does look like a little Muffin" He smiled.

Cedric had matured over the summer, his jaw had set, his muscles had gotten bigger, and he had grown his hair out. He looked beautiful. That was the only word to describe it. He's beautiful.

The train ride had finally ended. Hogsmeade station was lit up by the candles of nearby shops. I stood up and grabbed my trunk from above the bench. We walked towards the carriages. Cedric and Anthony had come along with us.

The sorting ceremony had gone on and on. There was a very large group of first years, most of them being sorted into Gryffindor. Harry and Ron were both sorted into Gryffindor. The feast was as it always was, delicious. The house elves really deserve more credit.

The feast had ended and I walked with Cristina and the rest of Hufflepuff house to the common room. "So, you and Anthony?" I asked, once we had gotten to our dorm room.
"I don't know, I like him and he's really nice, but I don't know" She said, looking down and blushing.
"Well, you could just give it time and see how it goes" I said lying down on my bed.

Since third years were taking more classes this year, the amount of homework we had skyrocketed since last year. Of course, we would get used to it, but we weren't yet, so It was difficult.

Cristina and I were studying and finishing our homework in the common room when Anthony and Cedric sat with us. I smiled politely at both of them. It was hard not to notice Cedric. He had grown a few inches since last year, making him taller than me and most of my friends.

"Alexandria, did you finish your charms essay?" Cedric asked, leaning closer to me.
"It's Lexie, and yeah I did, why?" I replied, moving a bit farther from him. Shit. Why did I do that. Now he's going to think I don't like him.
"Just asking, keeping tabs on my competitor" He laughed.
I rolled my eyes, smiling to myself.


December 1991

My 14th birthday was this Saturday. Cristina had planned a party in the common room, merlin knows why, I haven't met many people here. Fred and George were taking me to Hogsmeade, for prank supplies, I would be distracting Professor Snape as they hid dungbombs in his classroom. I was extremely nervous about it but it seemed like good fun.

I had gotten the annual howler from James and Sirius, and a letter from Lily wishing me a happy birthday. Dad had gotten me my favorite chocolate from Hogsmeade. Fred and George had basically dragged me down to Hogsmeade, I hadn't even gotten a chance to finish my breakfast.

"Professor Snape, I had some questions about the antidotes we've been researching this week and I was wondering if you could help me." I smiled
"Miss Lupin, I understand that when I said if you had questions research them on your own time you had heard me, or where you simply not listening" Snape said in his dead, monotone voice.
"Um, yes I did understand when you said that, but the book I was looking for was checked out and I couldn't find it anywhere else" I said, trying to think of ways to buy Fred and George more time.
"Fine. What is it" Snape said, looking me dead in the eyes.
"I-It's the side affects of wolfsbane, and what it can do to the drinker" I stammered.
"Well, you should be able to find that out somewhere else, shouldn't you, just ask your father" He scoffed.
"This has nothing to do with him, I had a question about potions so I went to the potions master, which just happens to be you." I said, feeling the anger rise inside me.

Snape was just about to speak when Fred and George walked out of the classroom and gave me a thumbs up.
"Ten points from Hufflepuff" Snape snarled.
I walked away. I didn't care if I lost house points because of it. Snape's a complete asshat.

Cristinas party had been a huge success. A few people from every house were there. There had been a long round of 'Happy Birthday' before I blew out the candles on the huge cake. I couldn't even found the amount of times I had heard the words 'Happy birthday' today.


June 1992

The end of year exams had creeped up on everyone. Cristina and I had done endless studying, she was very stressed about failing so I would reassure her that it would be okay.

I had passed all of my classes with amazing grades. Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures were my best classes.

We had taken the carriages to Hogsmeade station. Cristina and I sat with Anthony and Cedric. Cristina and Anthony had started dating a few weeks ago, he was crazy about her, and she really did adore him. Cedric and I had made friendly conversation with each other, but it was never anything more.

I had resulted to writing letters to Cedric about how I felt for him. Obviously I didn't send them, that's insane, I would keep them in a box under my bed. I was to afraid to tell him.

We boarded the Hogwarts express, ready for another summer.

authors note:
Anthony Rickett was beside Cedric after the second task in gof btw :)

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now