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Warning: sexual content
November 1994

I woke up to Cedric softly snoring, his chest rising and falling with each slow breath. I had fallen asleep on his chest last night. One of his arms was wrapped around me, while his other was resting on the upper part of the back of my thigh.

I slowly slid my hand across his chest and abs, feeling his muscles. I eventually made my way up to his head, carefully running my fingers through his amber colored hair.

He shifted around a bit before he opened his eyes. I continued to run my fingers through his hair, not noticing he had woken up.
"You really do love messing with my hair don't you?" He slurred, his voice was deep and groggy.
"I know you love it" I smiled.

Cedric stretched slightly before he held onto me. But this time he pulled me on top of him, just as he had done the day before.
He hugged me tightly, planting messy kisses all over my face.

He had only stopped once I kissed him back. The smell of his cedar wood and rose cologne surrounded us. He looked deeply into my eyes, running one of his hands down my body and the other rested on my thigh.

I cupped his jaw, dipping my head to his. Our lips connected just for a moment, before he pulled away from me.
"I don't want to do this if you're uncomfortable" He said, breathing slowly.
"I want to" I reassured him.
"Tell me to stop if it's too much, please" He said, bringing his lips back to mine.

Warmth blossomed across my skin as Cedric brushed his lips against mine. The woody rose scent of Cedric's cologne mixed with the smell of my lavender perfume was intoxicating.Our chests pressed against each other's, I could feel my heart pounding.

The taste of his soft lips, the way his hands roamed over my skin, the smell of his cologne, the sounds of his quiet groans. It was intoxicating my senses.

Cedric trailed away from my mouth, kissing and sucking down my neck. My breathy moans and Cedric's low groans was all I could hear. I ran my hand through his hair, tugging it slightly. I could feel him growing harder underneath me as I trailed my hand down his chest. I slipped my hand under his shirt, running my hands along his abs.

Cedric pulled away for a moment, slipping his shirt off and throwing it on the floor.
"May I?" He asked, holding the hem of the shirt I was wearing. I nodded as he slipped the shirt over my head, leaving my chest completely exposed to him.

"God, you're so beautiful Lex" He uttered, his cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. She rested  one of his hands on my ribcage while the other cupped my jaw. He wrapped his arm around my waist, laying me down on his cold sheets.

He kissed me slowly, his hand massaging my chest. I wrapped one arm around his shoulders, the other around his waist, pulling him closer. He let out a deep moan as his throbbing bulge pressed against my aching heat.

Before I could have any reaction, he took my breast in his mouth, as his free hand massaged the other. I let out a loud moan, the feeling of his mouth on such a sensitive spot driving me crazy.
"Is this okay" He panted, removing his hand from my breast.
"Yes" I breathed, wanting nothing more than for him to continue.

He trailed his way down my stomach, his hands slowly caressing my thighs. He teasingly kissed the inner parts of my thigh.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" He asked, his hand pulling at the hem of the pair of his boxers I was wearing.
"Cedric I want to, I'm more than okay with it" I reassured him.

He carefully pulled the boxers down my legs, kissing my inner thighs. I ran his finger over the fabric of my underwear, making my skin ignite in a deep blush. He slid my underwear off, pressing light kisses on both sides of my hips.

He kissed my clit softly, making a breathy moan escape from my mouth. My hands hand found their way to his head, tugging at his soft locks of hair as he licked an agonizingly slow stripe on my wet core.

Cedric brought his arms around my thighs, pulling me closer. He brought one of his large hands to me, teasing my entrance with his long, slender fingers. I had moved my hand to my mouth to muffle my loud moans.

Warmth spread over my entire body as Cedric brought me to reach my peak. I arched my back, pleasure rolling through my body like a wave

He pulled apart from between my legs, enchanting me into a dreamy gaze. He licked his lips, a cheeky grin spreading across his lips. I playfully shoved his arm, grabbing his shirt and slipping over my body. I had put the pair of boxers Cedric had given me last night on, seeing that my own underwear was completely soaked.

"Hey, where are you going?" Cedric asked, grabbing my hand as I stood up.
"Just checking the damage you did" I stood up from where I had been sitting on his bed, my legs aching slightly as I stood. Cedric's face went a bright pink color before saying,
"Don't get mad at me"

"Cedric, why would I get mad at you" I questioned, turning towards him.
"Just go look" He laughed, motioning towards the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom to see my neck with dark purple hickeys scattered almost everywhere.

"Cedric Diggory you did not just leave that many hickeys on me!" I gasped, turning to look at him leaning against the door frame.
"I did get a little carried away" He smiled, coming up and standing behind me. His arms on both sides of me, his hands pressed against the countertop, trapping me in between his arms.

"A little? You're like a vampire" I joked, still inspecting the purple marks.
"Yep" He smiled, wrapping his hand loosely around my neck, biting the side of my neck playfully. "You should see your chest, it's not much better.

I looked under the baggy t-shirt I was wearing to find the same dark hickeys all over my chest, and a few on my lower stomach. Cedric must've noticed the shocked expression on my face.
"Check your thighs too love" He advised.

authors note:
sorry for the very cringey wording with the smutty part i have no idea what i'm doing 💀

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