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Authors note:
hi, if you skipped the last chapter because it was triggering for you here is some stuff you should know! Alexandria is going to Beauxbatons.

This chapter will have french in it so if you speak french and i spell anything wrong please correct me! i will put the english translation in parentheses :)

August 1994

I followed Laura down the stairs quietly. "We're apparating again, don't embarrass me" She said, emphasizing the end. I didn't know what she would do if I would embarrass her but I wasn't going to try anything.

She grabbed my arm. The room spun until it we stood in front of the school. I almost leaned over, but I pulled myself up and stood up proudly.

The school was smaller than Hogwarts but it was beautiful. Many types of gorgeous flowers and trees surrounded the grounds, along with a marble fountain at the entrance.

A very tall woman who reminded me of Hagrid walked up to us.
"Mlle. Lupin ?" (Miss. Lupin?) She asked.
"Oui, bonjour" (Yes, hello) I said, extending my hand for her to shake. She took my hand in hers shaking it softly in her large hand.
"Je suis Olympe Maxime, je suis la maîtresse" (I am Olympe Maxime, I am the headmistress.) she introduced herself.

"Suivez-moi s'il vous plaît, je vous montrerai le terrain" (Follow me please, I will show you the grounds) She said walking along the stone path. I followed along, struggling to keep up with her.

"Tu as fréquenté quelle école avant de venir ici ?" (What school did you attend before you came here?) She asked, looking down at me.
"Je suis allé à Hogwarts, mon père était professeur." (I went to Hogwarts, my father was a professor) I replied, feeling a pang in my chest just by talking about him.
"Pourquoi a-t-il décidé de t'envoyer ici ? Si ça ne te dérange pas de me dire" (Why did he decide to send you here? If you don't mind telling me.)
"Il a dû partir et ma mère voulait que j'y aille."
(My mother wanted me to go) I said, trying not to make her seem like she was a good person.

I didn't know why I was trying. She hasn't cared for me. She left dad and I when I was a baby. She has no right to make any decisions for me.

We continued walking around the grounds, talking along the way. We had arrived at the front of the school again, Laura had left.

Madam Maxime had showed me my dorm room. Beauxbatons had a lot less students than Hogwarts had, there were enough dorms for everyone to have their own.

I had been introduced to a few students, there was Fleur Delacour a beautiful blonde who had befriended me as soon as we sat at the same table. A had met a few of Fleurs friends as well, they were all lovely people.

But it wasn't the same as Hogwarts, I missed everything about it. I even missed Cristina, which is saying a lot because I hadn't thought about her in weeks. I miss the memories I made there.

Madam Maxime had a surprise planned for the school at the end of the first week. We hadn't started any lessons yet, Maxime said it would have affected the surprise.

At the end of the dinner on Friday we all sat excitedly waiting for the surprise our headmistress had planned. She stood in the front of the dining hall, waiting until everyone was quiet to make her announcement.

"Tout le monde se calme s'il vous plaît" (Everyone calm down please, okay?) She said, excitedly smiling. We all quieted down within a few seconds.

"Bon, le Tournoi des trois socièrs sera organisé cette année dans l'une des écoles les plus prestigieuses du Royaume-Uni." (Well, the Triwizard Tournament will be held this year in one of the most prestigious schools in the UK.) She started,
"Nous nous rendrons à Poudlard pour y participer" (We will go to Hogwarts to participate) she smiled.

The hall erupted in conversation about Hogwarts and what the people there would be like. Anxiety filled me, I never thought I would get to go back. I had gotten used to the idea of going here, of not going back. There would be reminders of dad everywhere.

What would people say? They'll know he's a werewolf. Everyone is going to hate me when I get back. They're going to tell everyone I have met here, then everyone's going to hate me. I'll be all alone again.

I packed that night, we would be leaving tomorrow. All the thoughts of what might happen swirled in my brain. I stayed up that night, not being able to sleep with all the worrying going on inside my head.


We were traveling to Hogwarts by a carriage flown by horses. It was a very bumpy and uncomfortable ride. Multiple people had been thrown around by an abrupt turn or change in speed.

We had finally made it onto the grounds of Hogwarts. We waited to be escorted into the castle by Filch. Many of the girls had gossiped about the students and if they would be attractive or not.

They would most likely be all over Cedric. I mean who wouldn't be, you take one look at him and there is no doubt he is handsome.

Another school had arrived too, strong looking boys came and waiting beside us. Filch had finally come and escorted us to the castle. I had been standing closest to the castle, Finch gave me a look of confusion before brushing it off.

We walked along the corridors to the great hall, the portraits saying hello and greeting everyone as they walked by. We waited at the doors of the great hall had Filch ran to tell Dumbledore we were here.

Dumbledore continued his speech as the doors to the great hall opened.

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now