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June 1994

The end of the school year had closed with amazing results on my O.W.L's. It wasn't surprising, I had spent all of my time studying, especially because I didn't really have that many people to hang out with anymore.

I had gotten used to it pretty quickly. It didn't bother me anymore. Cristina and I had grown out of our friendship. I didn't understand what happened between us to make us grow apart, but I had decided not to spend all of my time thinking about it.

The werewolf act, as the minister of magic had recently named, hadn't been getting better. There were still witches and wizards protesting to send the registered werewolves to Azkaban.

August 1994

The first few months of the summer vacation were extremely stressful. There had been rumors of the werewolf act being placed into action. Dad had tried to stop reading the daily prophet, but he couldn't stand being left in the dark about something so important to him.

Arthur Weasley had been gifted tickets to the quidditch world cup from his fellow coworker from the ministry. James and Sirius had decided that the world cup would help dad with his stress, so they had bought tickets for all of us to go as well.


Harry, Hermionie, and I had arrived at the burrow along with James, Sirius, and dad the night before we would leave for the quidditch world cup.

Ginny, Hermionie, and I were rudely awaken the morning of the world cup. Fred and George came trudging into Ginny's room, trying to get us to come down for breakfast.

We all groggily walked out of the room down to the kitchen. James, Sirius, dad, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, and Molly were sat around the table, slowly sipping mugs of coffee.

After we had all eaten a quick breakfast, and made sure we had all of the things we needed. We left for the portkey in a rush.

We didn't know exactly where it was, but Arthur said that Amos Diggory would show us. I walked alongside Ginny and Hermionie, the slight crunching of the things we were stepping on filling the silence between us.

"Arthur, how are you old champ!" Amos Diggory's voice called from nearby. I had looked up from the flowers that had caught my eye to see Amos and Cedric smiling and greeting everyone.

We all had said hello to each other, Amos and Arthur having a conversation together. Cedric had walked along Hermionie and I. Ginny had gotten tired of how slow Hermionie and I were walking, so she decided to walk with Bill, charlie, Fred, and George.

We all gathered around the portkey, which just happened to be a disgusting moldy boot. We all grabbed onto a different part of the boot, suddenly we started spinning in the air.

The ground beneath us disappeared.
"Let go!" Arthur yelled. We all let go hesitantly. We fell down, until we hit the ground with a hard fall. Arthur, Amos, and Cedric came down from the sky effortlessly.

I carefully stood up, wiping the grass that had stuck to my clothes.
"Are you okay? That looked like it hurt" Cedric asked, carefully cupping my jaw with one of his hands. I couldn't speak. His touch made me freeze. After a moment I nodded my head, feeling utterly embarrassed.

"What was that Lex?" Bill asked teasingly.
"Shut up" I muttered, trying to hide the grin that had spread over my face.

We had finally found our tent after a little while of looking for the one Arthur had rented out. It looked like a normal sized muggle tent on the outside, but once you stepped inside there where many rooms.

Ginny, Hermionie, and I shared a room. Harry and Ron would be sharing a room along with Fred and George. Bill, Charlie, and Arthur in another room. While James, Sirius, and Dad were staying together. Cedric and Amos would be sharing the last room.

We put all our things away in our rooms, relaxing a bit before we had to leave to find our seats for the world cup. I had curled up with a book on the couch while Sirius played some music. Harry and Ron were playing wizards chess, while the rest of the people were talking or playing exploding snap.


We climbed our way up the long flights of stairs to our seats. I had seen a few people from Hogwarts, mostly people from Harry's year but there were a few that were closer to my age.

We had finally reached our seats just before the game started. The Irish had swept past our heads, flying around the field. A leprechaun made out of fireworks had started dancing around in the sky just before the Bulgarians came flying through the fireworks.

The crowd had gone wild once Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian seeker, had come onto the field. Dancing women had come onto the grass, dressed in red outfits.

They were absolutely beautiful. There was no doubt about it.
"What is wrong will all of you?" Sirius joked. Harry, Ron, Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Cedric, and I were pulled out of an intense trance. I had overheard Harry ask Hermionie about the women, she had explained that they were veelas.

I had only learned a little about veelas at Hogwarts, but I didnt know their trance could be that powerful. We had always been taught that veela women would use their powers to lure men into falling in love with them.


The game had ended, I hadn't been keeping track of who won, but James had kept going on and on about how it was the best game he had ever seen.

We were all scattered around the common area of the tent. Soft music played in the background that Sirius had put on. Dad, Hermionie, and I had picked out books to read. James, Sirius, Harry, and the Weasleys were reliving the events of the game. Cedric and his father had started a muggle card game Arthur had been teaching them for the last hour.

"Minister, what are you doing he- oh merlin" Sirius had a shocked expression across his face. We had all looked over to the minister. He wasn't alone, there was a beautiful woman along with him.

James, Sirius, and dad all had their jaws dropped. The shock extremely present on each of their faces.

"Who's that?" I whispered to dad softly.

"She-she's your mother." He stammered, unable to tear his eyes away from her.

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now