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June 1999

"Are you ready?" Dad asked, linking my arm with his.
"I've been ready for years." I smiled. The bouquet of lavender and accent plants in my right hand. My dress was a champagne color, lace sleeves hanging off my shoulders. Pure white tulle surrounded my waist and underskirt.

Excitement mixed with anxiety filled my body. I had wanted to marry Cedric since I realized I loved him. He had always been the one for me. He was there for me when nobody else could be.

Dad and I had finally gotten in sight of everyone. Sirius stood in the middle, Cedric to his right, followed by Anthony, Fred, and George. Hermionie, Ginny, and Fleur stood to the left, leaving a space for me.

Cedric and I burst into tears once we saw each other. This didn't feel real. Dad kissed my hand before sitting in is seat. Cedric wiped a tear from my face, his eyes pouring into mine.

We started the ceremony, the rings being placed on each other's fingers before saying our vows.
"Alexandria Caroline Lupin, I find everything about you breathtakingly stunning. You are the strongest person I know, the one person who can face anything and get by with a few scrapes. I am honored that whatever is guiding us through the madness in the world, chose us to love one another. You are the only person who truly understands me, even when I may not understand you. I promise to love you forever." Cedric spoke.

I wiped the tears from my face, smiling up at Cedric.
"Cedric Amos Diggory, I can't find the words to express how much I truly love and appreciate you. You were there for me when nobody else was able to. You made the light shine through in the darkest of moments. You've helped me through the hardest times in my life. You have done so much for me, and I will thank you everyday of my life for staying with me. I promise to write you letters, I promise to love you endlessly." I cried.

"Oh just kiss her already! You're married!" Sirius sniffled. Cedric's lips connected with mine, cheers erupting around up.
"I love you." He spoke against my lips.
"I love you." I kissed him again. We walked down the aisle once again, flowers being thrown around us.


I handed Cedric the last letter I wrote for him once we were finally alone.
"One last letter." I smiled, handing him the red envelope.
"I wrote one for you." He blushed, pulling an envelope from his pocket.
"You wrote me a letter?" I asked, looking up at him.
"I thought it was time you got one, since you've given me so many." His face had a deep blush from whatever was going through his head.We exchanged the envelopes and open the letters.



I love you. I love how you wrote to me when you weren't able to tell me how you feel. I love the way you light up a room with your smile. I love how you're so incredibly passionate about the things you love and care for. I love the way you get flustered when I call you beautiful. I love the way you're unapologetically you. You are perfect.  I love every single thing about you. I love that I get to be yours. I will love you forever.

- Cedric



I love you. But you already know that. I don't need to tell you all the reasons why I love you. I don't love you because you call me beautiful. I don't love you because we've been together for years. I don't love you because we are meant to be.

I love you because you've been there for me in my darkest days. You were the one helping me through all the scary things in life. You helped me face it all. You never left. You never doubted me. You never got scared. You were there. That is why I will love you unconditionally. I will be yours until the very end. You are the love of my life.

Thank you for being with me.



"I love you more than anything." Cedric kissed my face, holding me close.
"I love you, Husband." I joked.
"I love you, wife." He replied, kissing me once again.


We walked towards the middle of the room, getting ready to dance. A familiar piano started playing as we swayed around the room.

"Je te laisserai des mots"
(I will let you notes)

"En dessous de ta porte"
(Under your door)

"En dessous de la lune qui chante"
(Below the singing moon)

"Tout près de la place où tes pieds passent"
(Very close to the place where your feet pass)

"Cachés dans les trous de ton divan"
(Hidden in the holes of your couch)

"Et quand tu es seule pendant un instant"
(And when you're alone for a while)

(Kiss me)

"Quand tu voudras"
(Whenever you want)

(Kiss me)

"Quand tu voudras"
(Whenever you want)

(Kiss me)

"Quand tu voudras"
(Whenever you want)

"Remember the Yule ball?" I asked.
"How could I forget, that's why I chose the song." Cedric smiled.
"Embrasse-moi" (kiss me) I whispered. Cedric pressed his lips against mine, sparks flying through my body from the amount of pure love I felt for him.
"Quand tu veux." (whenever you want) He whispered back.

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now