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December 1993

Things between Cedric and I were tense the last few weeks. No more glances across the classroom. No more teasing and competing between each other in classes. It was all gone.

I honestly missed it. He could barely look at me anymore. I couldn't stand it, I missed him so much and he was always right in front of me. He didn't care anymore. He has Stephanie.

Nobody had noticed the tension between Cedric and I. I was probably just imagining it. All Cristina ever did was talk to Stephanie now. I didn't care anymore. It was obvious she didn't care that much about me anymore, I just didn't want to admit it.

The prefects rounds were extremely awkward now. We didn't even talk, unless it was saying hello. I couldn't help but hate myself for making him feel this way. I thought it was my fault.

I hated everything, it all just seemed so horrible. Fred and George were busy pulling and planning pranks before the holiday. Harry was busy with Ron and Hermionie. Anthony hadn't seemed to notice anything.

I don't blame Anthony, after what I had told him  what happened with Brendon I would be nervous to ask about anything personal again. He was the only person I would be willing to talk to these days.

Of course I could talk to dad, but that seemed a really awkward conversation to have. Obviously I couldn't just say "Hey dad! Cedric made out with me in a closet and now he and look at me and i'm sad". I could talk to Fred or George, but I promised Cedric I wouldn't tell anyone about the kiss.

Obviously I couldn't talk to Cedric, we can't be in the same room without both of us being awkward. Keeping the kiss a secret was killing me. The only person I could talk to about it was Cedric and he wouldn't even talk to me.

My birthday was coming up soon, I used to always be excited about it but this year felt off. The full moon was the day before, so dad and I would celebrate with him a few days after. I didn't mind, he couldn't control it, it wasn't his fault.

I wondered if Cristina would throw a party, it seemed that she's been having a lot of conversations that stop once I enter a room. I was probably just getting my hopes up.

Harry, Ron, and Hermionie had detention with Snape all week. They had told me what happened, there was obviously no reason for them to have detention. They had been helping Neville with a potion they were brewing in class.

At least I could spend time with Fred and George. They had told me that we were going to sneak into Hogsmeade after classes had ended. Thank merlin for them, they would definitely cheer me up in an instant.
I still had prefect rounds that day, but I didn't really mind.


The morning of my birthday was filled with pouring rain. The dark clouds filled every inch of the sky. Rain poured harshly, making it extremely loud in the corridors. I loved this kind of weather, it was always so calming. It had never made me sad like it did for a lot of other people I knew.

There were a few packages and letters on my trunk at the end of my bed. I moved over to the bed of my bed and picked up the letters. There was one from Charlie, Bill, and Molly and Arthur.

Molly had included a few sweets in the letter. I had made sure to write Charlie back first, since it was his birthday too. I had wrote letters to everyone else as well, thanking them for the sweets and gifts.

Molly had knitted a sweater for me. It was my favorite color, she had never failed to make the best sweaters. I decided that now would be a good time to go down to see dad.

He was still sleeping and madam Pomfrey wouldn't let me stay. She lead me out, wishing he a quick 'happy birthday'. I walked to the great hall, feeling ready for breakfast.

I had made it to the Hufflepuff table and sat down with Cristina, Stephanie, Anthony, and Cedric. The mail had arrived just as I sat down.

"Why do you have howlers Lexie?" Cristina asked, eyeing the red envelopes in front of me.
"I always get a howler today" I said, feeling very confused.
"Why?" Cristina looked even more confused than before.
"It's my birthday" I said.

She forgot.

"No it's not, your birthday is the thirteenth." She was getting annoyed now.
"It's the twelfth." I said, feeling hurt.
"Oh well, close enough" She said, acting like it was the most normal thing in the world.

The doors to the great hall burst open, Fred and George came in on their broomsticks. There was a loud crackling noise following them. Then it happened.

The great hall was filled with fireworks exploding in every direction. Most, if not everyone was cheering and clapping. The fireworks had ended, except for one. There was one zooming around the room writing something.

The firework had stopped moving. It had written out:

"Happy Birthday Alexandria Caroline Lupin"

Fred and George both had proud smiled on their faces as they flew down to the Hufflepuff table.

Oh no

They wouldn't do that

Shit, they're gonna do it.

Fred and George pulled be up from my seat and pushed me onto the back of George's broom. I held on to him as tight as I could, shutting my eyes so I wouldn't see how high up we were.

"Weasley's! Get down from there!" I recognized Snapes angry voice from across the hall. I already had a feeling that he would be absolutely furious about this. He never let anyone have a good time unless they were in Slytherin.

I felt George and I slowly moving down towards the floor. My eyes were still shut tightly and I was still clinging onto George for dear life. Once we were back on the floor, we were met with the harsh eyes of professor Snape.

"What do you think you where doing?" Snape snarled.
"Just wishing Lexie where an amazing start to her birthday" Fred smirked, seeming completely unfazed with the greasy haired professor staring us down.
"That is not an appropriate thing to do in this school!" Snape was yelling at us now. I could tell that Fred and George where holding back their laughs and giggles, while I was trying my hardest not to cry.

"Detention! All three of you! Fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff! Each!" Snape snarled before turning his back and walking away without another word.

"Sorry darling, we didn't mean for you to have detention on your birthday" George had wrapped his arms around me.
"It's okay, Snape just doesn't know how to have fun" I sighed, hugging him back.

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now