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January 1994

The beginning of the new year was absolute shit. I had broken my leg after the train ride back to Hogwarts by slipping on a patch of ice. Luckily Madam Pomfrey fixed it within a few hours.

Cristina and Stephanie had been shooting daggers at me whenever they got the chance. It seemed like Stephanie and Cedric were still together, she was always dangling off his arm while he looked slightly in pain.

Anthony and I had spent some time together, without Cristina knowing of course. Anthony was the best person for me right now. He didn't know everything, but he knew enough to comfort me when I needed it.

It seemed like Cedric wasn't able to get away from Stephanie. I could hear the high pitched giggles from the hall between Cedric and I's rooms. The only time he was seen without Stephanie was during our prefect rounds.

He looked exhausted at the end of everyday, dark circles grew more noticeable under his eyes. I had asked him what was wrong, he always said he didn't want to talk about it. I wanted to help him, but I didn't know how.

My grades hadn't dropped. I didn't have anyone to really spend time with or go out with so I just spent my time studying or doing homework. Sure, Fred, George, and Anthony where always there but it wasn't the same as it was with Cristina and I.

I tried to deny it, but I really missed Cristina. I hated myself for feeling like this. It was like there was a pit in my stomach all the time without her. She doesn't even care about me, she said the words but I just can't get it through my head.

February 1994

Valentine's day rolled around. The Great hall was lined with pink hearts that were charmed to look like they where shining. I would normally love everything about it, but I didn't this year. It felt pointless. The person I love has a girlfriend so he's spending the day with her.

I had gotten a few cards this year, mostly from boys I didn't really know, but there where a few from girls who I had talked to on occasion.

Fred and George had sold cards at the beginning of the year that would explode some glitter everywhere. They where pretty fun, even I couldn't deny that, except when you got covered in glitter.

March 1994

The end of year exams had creeped up on everyone. O.W.L's were stressing all of the fifth years out. While the N.E.W.T's were keeping all of the sixth years on edge.

The daily prophet had been reporting more and more werewolf attacks each month. The ministry couldn't find them. They did know that it was a group of werewolves attacking. Dad had been on edge about anyone finding out about him, the parents of the students would want him fired, there was no doubt about that.

There had been some debate amongst ministry officials on whether they should sentence all the registered werewolves to life in Azkaban. Many of the students had been grown anxious about the werewolf attacks, there had been a few in a nearby village.

Dad had stayed in the shrieking shack as he always did during a full moon. There were the protective charms around the shack. James had lifted them when they where students.

Peter Pettigrew was their childhood friend, but they had slowly grown apart after Peter had moved to America with his wife. They would still send letters during the holidays, but they weren't as close as they where when they were kids.

April 1994

The exam season had begun its prime stress period. I spent most of my time after classes studying for my O.W.L's.

Cedric had come and sat beside me one day while I was studying in the library. He seemed like he was tense about something.
"Cedric, are you okay?" I asked quietly. He turned towards me. He opened his mouth slightly before speaking.
"I-I noticed something, and um, I really hope i'm wrong, but I don't think I am." He stuttered.

Anxiety set inside of me as he finished talking.

He knows about dad

I can't tell him the truth

I have to lie to him.

"Well, um, what is it?" I asked, fidgeting with my fingers to relieve some of the anxiety.
"I think your dad is a werewolf" He said quickly. I sat there saying nothing. Cedric stared at me for a moment before continuing.
"It would explain why he's gone each month, and the, uhm, scars" He said, slowly getting quieter as he spoke. I have to lie to him. I can't tell anyone. It's just going to make everything harder for dad.
"He gets sick a lot, and uhm, my grandfather didn't treat him the best.

It technically wasn't a lie. Dad did get sick a lot, not every month, but after the transformations his immune system was horrible. My grandfather hadn't treated him like a person since he had been bitten. He had to endure a childhood of being reminded that he wasn't like his dad wanted him to be. My grandmother on the other hand, loved him more than words could express.

Cedric had visibly relaxed, his shoulders dropping and a look of relief spread across his face.
"Oh thank merlin, Im sorry, It really wasn't any of my business to ask anything like that." Cedric sighed, placing his hand on top of mine. I softly smiled at him before continuing with my studies.



How come you always know everything? I mean, it's not a bad thing you're observant, it's actually a good thing. I didn't tell you the whole truth today. My dad is a werewolf but I couldn't tell you.

I don't know what to do about the daily prophet or the ministry. They're not wrong but they're not right either. Dad always goes to a safe place to transform, he wouldn't do anything to put anyone in danger. You need to know that in case anything happens.


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