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(TW: Emetophobia, Abuse, dark thoughts)
The abuse is throughout this chapter, if this is a trigger for you please just skip this chapter entirely

August 1994

TW: Emetophobia
please don't read this paragraph if you are triggered by vomit :)
I followed Laura until she stopped and grabbed my arm. We apparated within a second. Nausea rolled through me. My stomach lurched, the food I had ate earlier rising in my throat.

"Oh please! Come on." She said harshly, tugging me by my arm. I had composed myself, finally getting a chance to look around me. We were near a village, it was familiar.

There was a house, it was huge. The lights inside of the house shining through the many windows. She pulled me all the way towards the tall gates before opening them and shoving me to the ground.

The dirt clouded around me, covering the front half of my body. I picked myself up off the ground, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in my side. I composed myself before looking her straight in her eyes, giving her a look of utter disgust.

"Come on darling, let's go inside." She said, giving me a sultry look at she strut towards the front door. I reluctantly followed her, brushing the dirt off of my clothes.

I held my head high as I followed Laura inside. She took my bag, dumping it onto the floor. She took the few snacks I had brought for the world cup. Luckily I had kept my wand on me at all times.

"Clean that up." She said harshly. I picked up the clothes and makeup she had dumped on the floor and put them back into my bag.

She had come back and lead me to one of the expensive looking couches.
"Sit down, we need to talk." She said in a serious tone. I followed her lead, carefully sitting on the couch.

"Tea?" She asked, making a tray of cups and a teapot with a flick of her wand.
"No, thank you for the offer" Dad had taught me to always use my manners no matter what the person had done. She slowly stirred in some cubes of sugar after pouring her tea.

"There are some things you need to know" She said, looking me dead in the eyes.
"Okay, would you like to inform me?" I asked, looking down at my hands. They hadn't stopped shaking since the minister had told dad he was going to Azkaban.

"Don't be smart with me" she scoffed before continuing, " First, you will be attending Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, no more of that Hogwarts rubbish" She laughed. My heart fell more than I thought it already had.

I'm not going to see my family until I get the out of this shithole.

"Second, you're a veela, only half but it's still very present in you." She said admiringly.
"Don't veelas have powers they can use to make people fall in love with them?" I asked hurriedly.
"Yes, that's why you have probably had some bad experiences with men. You don't know how to control what you can do" She sighed, sipping more of her tea.

What the actual fuck.

This cannot be real.


That's the only reason he kissed me in the broom closet. I made him. It's all a lie. Everything that had happened between us was fake. It's not real.

"Go upstairs, your room is the last one on the left" She ordered, looking at the time. I listened, not wanting to hear anything else that would make my entire life a complete lie.

The bedroom was small, I didn't mind. At least she wasn't making me sleep outside or in a cupboard. There was a twin size bed in the middle of the room, a decent sized closet, and a small bathroom.

I set my bag on the floor, sitting down on the bed. I finally let myself think about what had happened tonight.

Dad went to Azkaban. My so-called mother took me away from my family. I'm half veela. I'm probably never going to see my family until I am seventeen. That's a lot to happen in one night.

I looked over at the clock that was on the side table beside my bed. It was 3:00 A.M. I hadn't realized that hours had passed. It all happened so fast. I couldn't wrap my head around all of it, it didn't seem like it was real.

Tears filled my eyes again, it was all too much. I didn't want to do this anymore. I couldn't do it. I didn't want to feel like this. I want to be gone.

The tears didn't fall from my eyes. I held it in. All the feelings that had been stirring around inside of me stopped. I couldn't feel anything, I was numbed to my own emotions.

I took my shoes off, wrapping myself in the thin blanket laying on the bed. I lied there, not being able to sleep.


The sun came up quickly, the orange and yellow light shining into the room. There was a crack that had startled me slightly. There was a small elf with a small cloth around their torso.

They looked at me with their large brown eyes before setting a tray with a small amount of food and books on the side table.
"Hello miss! I am Dopsy, Miss has told me to give you your school books and food for the day!" They said before leaving with a crack.

The books were in french, thankfully Sirius had been teaching me french since I was little. I had grown progressively more nauseous throughout the night, so I decided it would be best to eat later.

I had no idea when I would be leaving for Beauxbatons. I hoped it would be soon, I didn't want to stay here any longer than I had to.

I wanted to check out my room a little more so I opened the closet doors. There was a few periwinkle dresses, I assumed they were the uniforms for Beauxbatons.

"We're leaving today, for Beauxbatons" Laura said casually. I hadn't even noticed she was standing behind me. I nodded carefully, stepping over to my trunk.

I packed the books and the uniforms, feeling sick.

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now