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October 1994

"Cedric you are such a whore!" A familiar voice shrieked. Unfortunately Cristina and Stephanie stood in the garden, staring daggers at Cedric and I.

What a sight that would be, your ex-best friend straddling the lap of your new best friend's ex boyfriend.
"I mean seriously! You break up with me right before school starts probably for this little slut! Then you're all touchy feely together! I hate you!" Stephanie cried.

We were in a private spot, and we technically weren't doing anything wrong.
"You're probably just snogging her because her dads a filthy half breed and she had no friends!" Cristina was yelling now. Somehow it hurt more than I thought it would.

I stood up from my place on Cedric's lap. He had gotten up almost immediately after I had. He grabbed his bag and walked over to where Cristina and Stephanie were standing.
"Y'know I try not to say I hate anyone, but I hate both of you. You are the worst people I have ever met." He said in a low, cold tone before he stormed off, out of the garden.

I had caught up to Cedric after minutes of trying to walk as fast as he could, which was hard, considering how long his legs were.
"Cedric? Are you okay?" I said, slightly out of breath. He didn't say anything, he kept walking.
"No Alexandria, I'm not okay and you shouldn't be either!" He voiced, sharp venom laced in his tone.
"Cedric they've been treating me like that since last year, and I kinda had to prepare myself for the snide comments about my dad" I explained

He stopped dead in his tracks.
"Alexandria you can't just let people treat you like that. They called you a slut for fucks sake!" He argued.
"What am I supposed to say then? "I'm sorry Cristina, but you really hurt my feelings?" That's not how real life works Cedric! You of all people should know that" I exploded.
"Yeah! Give that a try! Maybe then your life wouldn't be as fucked up as it is!" He sighed, bitterness laced with anger in his tone.

I was close to tears. I know that he's stressed about the first task but that isn't an excuse to say something like that.

"I'm sorry Cedric, but you really hurt my feelings."


I had left Cedric standing there in the middle of the grounds. We were having such a great moment before Cristina and Stephanie had came. Everything was perfect before.

I knew it would be temporary, but it still hurt. We were both kind of hot heads when we got angry. He did have a good point, I had never been good at standing up for myself.

I picked all of the flowers out of my hair, placing them into the box where I kept the letters wrote to Cedric. I should write one to him.


Dear Cedric,

You know when we were in the garden? We had just put flowers in each other's hair, you looked beautiful. I'm not just saying that because I need to apologize, you really did look absolutely beautiful.

The way your hair glowed in the sun, your eyes looked a faint blue instead of grey, the freckles on your cheeks becoming more noticeable. It was beautiful.

But then Cristina and Stephanie came along and our perfect little bubble had gotten ruined. I know they said I was a slut, and you were right, I should've stood up for myself. I shouldn't let people walk all over me.

I wished I could stay in that moment with you. I wished that Cristina and Stephanie didn't hate me. I don't even know what I did to them but I'll get over it.

I am truly sorry I yelled at you earlier.

Love, Alexandria <3


I was going to send this one. He needed to read it, along with the other letters. I collected the letters that had gathered over the years. I'm going to give them to him. He needs to know how I feel.

I wiped the running mascara off of my face, taking a deep breath before walking out of the carriage. I grabbed my cloak, swinging it over my shoulders.

I made my way to the Hufflepuff common room. Anxiety filled my insides, what's the worst thing that could happen? What if he hates me?

I knew that wasn't possible, it took a lot to make Cedric hate you. But the unbearable voice inside my head would second guess everything I do.

I walked through the empty common room, up to where the prefect dorms were.

Cedric Diggory

His name was plastered on a silver plate in the middle of his door. I knocked lightly, slightly hoping he wouldn't be there so I wouldn't have to give him all the letters.

A messy haired, tired looking Cedric opened the door. He stood in front of me, wearing black boxers and a t-shirt of his favorite band, looking very confused.

I didn't say anything. I was just about to give him the things I swore I would never show anybody.
"Alexandria? It two in the morning" He yawned.
"I know, I-I need to give you these" I stuttered. He looked down at my hands, noticing the stack is letters with his name.
"The letters? Are you sure?" He asked, suddenly seeming more awake than he was before.
"Not entirely, but you need to read them" I let out a shaky breath.

He carefully took the letters out of my hand, counting how many there were.
"Do you want to stay with me tonight?" He opened his door a little wider. I nodded, following him into his dark room.

I closed his door as he walked over to his wardrobe, grabbing a pair of loose-fitting boxers and a t-shirt.
"I didn't think you wanted to sleep in those" He motioned towards the clothes I was wearing.

"Cedric you should really read that top letter" I said, walking over to the bathroom and closing it. I changed into Cedric's clothes, folding mine and preparing myself for however he would react.

I stepped out of the bathroom to find Cedric sitting on the edge of his bed, reading the letter.
"That" he pointed to the letter while smiling. "Is the reason I am completely in love with you"

I set my clothes down, sitting next to him.
"I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings Alexandria, you don't ever deserve to be hurt" He whispered, kissing my forehead.

We got under the thick, warm blankets and drifted off to sleep, holding one another in our arms.

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now