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September 1994

He actually loves me. There was no way this was the veela in me. This is real, genuine love. He loves me. He actually loves me.

I didn't know what to say. Obviously I love him. I've loved him for so long. I was captured in a blank stare. My brain had been caught up processing everything Cedric had just said.

"Alexandria?" Cedric said, he had an anxious look on his face.
"I love you" I said it. I finally said it.
"I don't regret what happened in the broom closet, actually I kinda loved it. A-and I've been writing letters to you but I haven't actually send them, well that's kind of obvious because you haven't read a single one. I haven't told anyone about how I feel for you. I didn't even want to go out with Brendon, you were dating Stephanie and I was in love with you, and I didn't think I would ever have a chance with you, so I said yes when he asked me out. It's always been you Cedric. You're the only one I've ever wanted. I love you" I ranted.

Cedric's face lit up almost instantly. A small smirk appeared before he asked,
"Can I read the letters you've written"
"Absolutely not" I laughed.
"You did write them to me, so technically I should be able to read them." He persisted.
"Later, maybe" I blushed.

I have to tell him I'm a veela. I can't lie to him.
"Cedric I need to tell you something" I said, anxiety filling inside of me.
"Okay, what is it?" He smiled.
"Uhm, I'm a veela" I admitted it. He knows now.
"Lex... it's okay I don't care about that" He said, grabbing my hand softly. He doesn't get it, he doesn't know what I meant.
"No, you should care. I don't know how to, uhm, control the whole love power thingy. I don't know Laura didn't explain it very well" I told him.
"Alexandria, I know every ounce of love I feel for you is real. Nothing is going to change that" Cedric grabbed both my hands, looking me in my eyes.

"I love you, okay? You're going to have to get used to it" He whispered after kissing my forehead. He really does love me. He's always loved me.

"It's about time you told her Ced" A voice added. Anthony stood there, leaning against the castle wall.
"Did you hear all of that?" Cedric asked, a grin creeping up onto his face.
"Yep" Anthony smirked before walking over to the bench and sitting in between Cedric and I.

"You two have obviously been in love with each other forever, I didn't think it would take you two this long to admit it." Anthony began.
"You better not mess it up, both of you, you're pretty much made for each other." He mused.

Cedric and I gave each other a small smile as Anthony spoke.
"Hear that Lex, it's obvious we're in love" Cedric joked.
"What! It's been obvious for years! You two were the only ones who didn't know it" Anthony argued.

Cedric and I burst out laughing. We all sat there, laughing so hard we could barely breath. This is how I've always wanted it to be. I want to be happy.


After Cedric and I had parted ways I went to the Owlery to write a letter to Sirius. I had to let him know I was okay. I was worried sick about him.

He lost the love of his life and one of the closest things he had to a kid. I couldn't imagine how hard this could be for him.

Dear Sirius,

I can't even begin to imagine how hard this had been for you. I am truly sorry about what happened at the world cup.

Laura had taken me to The Beauxbatons Academy of Magic this year. Luckily the Triwizard tournament is being held at Hogwarts and Beauxbatons was invited for the tournament.

Please let the Weasley's know that I am safe, and that I love and miss you all. I hope I will see you soon.

(P.S. Please give Muffin some extra love for me)

-Alexandria Lupin

I folded the letter, attaching it to the leg of a beautiful brown owl.


The students and teachers from all three schools gathered in the great hall for the announcement of the Triwizard champions.

I had known that Fleur had entered her name, she had been waiting for this. She was determined to make her family proud.

I knew she could do it, but I couldn't help but feel anxious at the thought of her actually getting chosen. Fleur was the first friend I had made at Beauxbatons, I couldn't stand the thought of anything happening to her.

We took our seats around the great hall. Dumbledore, Igor Karkaroff, who was the headmaster of Durmstrang, and Madam Maxime stood together, talking quietly amongst themselves.

"The goblet is ready to make its decision!" Dumbledore announced. Everyone had quieted down almost instantly. He waved his wand, the flames inside of the goblet glowed a bright blue.

The flames in the goblet suddenly turned a dark red. A slip of paper flew out and fell right into Dumbledore's waiting palm. The flames had turned blue again as Dumbledore read the slip.
"The champion for Durmstrang" He read in a loud clear voice. "is Viktor Krum!" The applause that erupted from the Durmstrang students was booming.

Viktor had played at the world cup for the Bulgarian team. He made his way towards the Headmasters and Headmistress, shaking their hands then turning towards the champions chamber.

Everyone had quieted down once the flames had turned the dark red color once again. A slip of periwinkle parchment had flown out of the goblet into Dumbledores hand once again.
"The champion for Beauxbatons," He read clearly. "Is Fleur Delacour!"

Fleur stood from her place next to me, kissing her sister Gabrielle's forehead. She placed a hand on my shoulder, smiling brightly at me. I forced a smile onto my face for her.

She can do this. I know she can. She has to.

Fleur had gone to the champions chamber just as Viktor had done minutes before her.

The flames glowed red once again, it was the last time. The last slip of parchment had flown from the goblet. Dumbledore grabbed it quickly
"And finally, the Hogwarts champion" He said, turning over the slip of parchment. "Is Cedric Diggory!"

authors note:
the last parts are the goblet of fire book cause i couldn't remember what dumbledore was saying :)

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now