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September 1994

We wall walked into the hall. Turning to one side and sighing as we extended our hand and leaned to one of the tables. We continued before stopping again and turning to the other side. We quickly walked farther up the isle as we sighed again, this time gorgeous periwinkle butterflies erupted from us.

we formed two lines at the front of the great hall, finishing our entrance off with elegant bows and smiles. We gracefully stood and sat at the empty side of the Ravenclaw table.

I looked around the room, looking for Harry. I had finally found him, Hermionie, and Ron. I smiled at them, there was nothing I wanted to do more than run across the room and hug them. A little ways down from them was Fred, George, and Ginny. They weren't looking at me, I wasn't even sure if they had seen me.

The boys from the other school came into the great hall loudly. They looked fierce, the expressions on their faces were stern. They knocked their sticks on the floor, sparks scattering on the floor.

They had finished their entrance and sat down at the empty side of the Slytherin table. I looked around the Hufflepuff table, looking for Cedric and Anthony. I had found Cristina and Stephanie sat near the first years, they looked happy.

I had finally found Cedric, he was already looking at me. We locked eyes for a moment before smiling brightly at each other.

"Alexandria, tu vas manger ?" (Alexandria, are you going to eat?) Fleur asked, noticing the untouched food on my plate.
"Oui, désolé, j'ai été distrait" (Yes, sorry I got distracted) I said, turning back towards the table.

Dumbledore had spoke a bit more about the tournament after we had finished eating, the goblet had been brought into the great hall. The flames that filled the cup were a deep blue color. We had until the end of the next week to enter out names.

Dumbledore had finally dismissed everyone. I turned towards the Gryffindor table to see Harry and the twins walking excitedly towards me.

"I missed you so much" Harry whispered as he hugged me tightly.
"I know, I missed you too" I smiled, feeling extremely grateful I got the chance to see them again.

George picked me up as soon as Harry and I had broke apart.
"Did you miss me?" I joked.
"Definitely not, you were gone a week" George said, sarcasm filled his voice.

Fred hugged me, placing his head on top of mine.
"I missed you" He said seriously. Fred was almost never serious, it took a really meaningful moment for him not to make a single joke.
"I missed you too Fred" I hugged him tightly.

"Ron come here, I know you missed me" I joked as he flushed red. I gave me a quick hug before Hermionie wrapper her arms around me.

"Mionie move before I pull you off" Ginny threatened. Hermionie had let go, knowing that Ginny would do it.

Ginny wrapped her arms around me, hugging me so I could barely breath.
"Ginny you're hurting me" I wheezed, hoping she would let go at least a little. She let go, giving me a bright smile.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Did you forget about me Alexandria?" A familiar voice spoke.
"It's been a week Cedric, how could I forget about you?" I joked. Our eyes locked for a moment, before Anthony pulled me into a hug

"You're really going to Beauxbatons?" He asked me. I nodded slightly, a disappointing look spreading upon his face.
"I know it sucks but it's just two years and then we're done with school" I reminded him, though it was more of a reminder for myself.

"I thought Cedric was joking when he said you weren't coming back, but then you weren't here today, and neither was your dad." Anthony whispered.
"My heart dropped when I didn't see you on the train" He admitted. I didn't know he cared that much about me. He's my best friend.
"I missed you so much" I told him, hugging him a bit tighter than I was before.
"I love you Lexie" He kissed the top of my head before stepping away and smiling.
"I love you too Anthony" I smiled.

"Alexandria, tu connais ces gens ?" (Alexandria, do you know these people?) Madam Maxime towered over me, looking especially intimidating as she stared down at me.
"Oui, certains sont de la famille, les autres sont de bons amis." (Yes, some are family, others are good friends) I replied, feeling very anxious that she would tell my mother we were at Hogwarts.

Laura would take me out of school in an instant if she knew we had traveled to Hogwarts. She wouldn't want me to tell anyone how she treated me. I wouldn't tell anyone. I'm too ashamed. She's never cared about me, she never will care about me.

"D'accord, nous devons nous rendre à la voiture maintenant." (Alright, we must be going to the carriage now) She said, looking around to the other girls socializing with the new people they had met.
"OK, merci" (Okay, thank you) I said.

I quickly said goodbye to my friends, promising  I would see them tomorrow. It wasn't goodbye like last time. I knew I was going to see them tomorrow.

I followed Madam Maxime along with the other girls as they gossiped about how cute the Hogwarts and Durmstrang students were. We had reached the carriage beside Hagrid's hut and climbed in one by one.

Madam Maxime gave us a lecture on how we should behave while we are in class with the students from both schools. It would be a lot more people than any of these girls have had in a single class.

Other than that, she was completely fine with us walking around the grounds and getting to know the other students. We did have a curfew, but it was later than when Hogwarts students were supposed to be in bed.

I lied in bed that night feeling extremely grateful for the Triwizard tournament.

Letters- Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now