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October 1994

"Lexie? Is that actually you?" Charlie Weasley called from across the grounds of Hogwarts. I had been helping Hagrid with one of his Care of Magical Creatures lessons when Charlie had called my name.

"What are- you're with Beauxbatons aren't you?" Charlie sighed, coming up and hugging me.
"It's only for the rest of school, then I can get away from her." I reminded him. I had to look at the bright side.

"Bill's here too, let's go see him" Carlie suggested.
"Why are we going into the forest?" I asked. I had always been scared of the forest, there were too many things in there. I hadn't stepped foot in there since the last year I had Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid.
"Oh I had to bring some dragons, for the tournament" He said, trudging through the thick brush on the forest floor.

"Wait, dragons are the first task?" I asked.
"I'm not supposed to tell anyone but yes, it is." Charlie spoke. There was no way. The first task and they have to battle a dragon? Fleur doesn't know the first thing about a dragon. Surely Madam Maxime would have a plan.

Cedric had been obsessed with dragons when he was younger. I only knew that because it was all he talked about in first and second year. It was pretty sweet honestly, until you think about the fact he could die because of his favorite animal. He knew a surprising amount of things about dragons, I had listened to him talk on and on about them whenever anyone around him brought dragons up.

Carlie and I had finally reached where the dragons were being held. I hadn't expected them to be that big.
"Charlie, are they supposed to be that big?" I asked, gripping the sleeve of his shirt tightly.
"I mean yeah, they're dragons" Charlie clarified.

"Oh please don't tell me you're a Beauxbatons student" Bill muttered under his breath.
"Unfortunately Bill, I am" I laughed.
"I heard the campions were chosen a few days ago, who was it Lex?" Bill asked, looking at one of the dragons that was locked in the cage.
"Viktor Krum from Durmstrang, Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons, and Cedric" I trailed on.

"Cedric Diggory? Aren't you like in love with him or something?" Charlie asked.
"Ha- uhm, that's- uh, yeah." I flustered. He wouldn't believe me anyways.
"So you do love him?" Carlie teased.
"No way. Charlie, we have to go meet this boy properly." Bill said.
"Nope! You really don't have to!" I fretted. I knew they would embarrass me in at least one way if they went and talked to Cedric.

Bill and Charlie walked around the grounds until they found him. Apparently Charlie was the one who had planted all of the flowers in the secret garden behind the castle.

We had found Cedric studying there quietly.
"Cedric, right? Bill Weasley." Bill shook Cedric's hand.
"Charlie Weasley" Charlie said, shaking Cedric's hand just as Bill had done.
"I believe I've been to your house a few times, your family really is lovely" Cedric smiled.
"We wanted to properly introduce ourselves, since that one," Bill started, "says she loves you" Bill motioned towards me.
"Bill!" I groaned.

"Really? I had no idea" Cedric said in a shocked voice.
"What" Bill and Charlie said in unison. They both blushed a deep shade of pink.
"Well I guess I love her too." Cedric started. "Y'know since I've been her boyfriend for the last few weeks, and I've known that I've been in love with her for the last, oh I don't know five of six years? Give or take." Cedric flirted.

"That wasn't nearly as heartfelt as the first time" I judged, I was joking of course.
"I think my heart stopped for a second" Bill sighed, still very red in the face.
"Well, now you both look like tomatoes" I joked, laughing at the bright red blush that had spread across Bill and Charlie's face and neck.

"You didn't tell us he was your boyfriend Lexie? What's your dad gonna thin-" Charlie started. It had just gotten very quiet. I hadn't talked about dad to anyone. It was such a touchy subject that I didn't want to talk about.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that" He apologized.
"It's okay, he would be pretty reluctant to the idea of it" I laughed.

Bill and Charlie had left to go take care of the dragons once again, leaving Cedric and I alone in the garden. We sat in the grass, Cedric finishing up the rest of his homework.

"What're you doing?" Cedric smiled.
"Putting flowers in your hair" I giggled. I had been scattering all sorts of different flowers in in hair for the last hour and he only noticed now.
"Do I look pretty?" He whispered after kissing one side of my cheek.
"The prettiest" I whispered, kissing the tip of his nose lightly.

Cedric slowly pressed his lips against mine. His lips felt soft and tender pressing against mine. He could make me forget about every horrible thing once he kissed me. We pulled away from each other, small grins across both of our swollen, pink lips.

We both started giggling as Cedric lied on his back, pulling me on top of him. Some of the flowers had fallen out of his hair, making them scatter around his fluffy hair. Cedric sat up, reaching for one of the flowers near us. He picked the leaves from the stem and placed them throughout my hair.

The flowers were beautiful. They were small white petals with pink, blue and purple splattered in the middle. He picked them until there were none left on the stem.
"Do I look pretty" I smiled, wrapping my arms loosely around his shoulders while I sat on his lap.
"You look breathtakingly stunning my love" He said with a smitten look on his face.

I cupped his jaw, kissing him softly. He wrapped his arms around me, sliding me up his lap a bit. We were pressed against one another. It was nothing but pure bliss with him around.

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