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"Right this way." Phasma said.

She opened the door, Rey stumbled and fall forward on her hands, Ben walked over to her.

"Ms. Tico, are you alright?" He asked as she nodded, he helped Rey stand.

"Ben Solo." He said.

"Reyhanne Palpatine, but call me Rey, um, Ms. Tico has the flu, so she asked me to fill in." Rey said as they both shook hands.

"I see, so you're studying the journalism as well." Ben said.

"No, English Lit. Um, Rose's my roomate." Rey corrected him.

"As I said, I only have 10 minutes, please, have a seat, Ms. Palpatine." Ben said and took a sit behind in his desk as Rey took a seat opposite.

She forgot her pen and noticed Ben's pencils, he got up and pick a pencil and gave it to Rey.

"Thank you, ready?" She asked.

"Whenever you are." He said in a low husky voice which filled with desire.

"Uh, okay." Rey said and begin to look down the paper with questions on them.

"Um, so this is for the special graduation issue of the student newspaper." She said.

"Yes, I'm giving the commencement address at this year's ceremony." Ben said as she looked up to him.

"You are? Uh, I mean, um...I know." Rey said as she go back look down at her questions.

"Uh  you are very young to amassed such an empire. To do what you owe..." she said before Ben cut her off reply "to what I owe my success?

"Yep." She said.

"Seriously?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Yes." Rey said to him.

"Business is about people, and I've always been good at people. What motivates them, what incentivizes them, what inspires them." Ben explained to Rey as she looked at him in the eye.

"Maybe you're just lucky." She said.

"I've always found that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. The key to my success has been in identifying talented indivituals and harnessing their efforts." He said.

"So you're a control freak?" She asked Ben.

"Oh, I excercise control in all things, Ms. Palpatine." He said in a low voice as she looked at her questions, again.

"Okay, um, uh, your company is involved primarily in the telecommunications sectors. Yet you also invest in numerous agricultural projects, inclucding several in Africa. Is that something that you feel passionate about? Feeding the world's poor?" She said to him.

"It's a smart business." Ben simply said as Rey looked at him disapprovingly.

"You don't agree?" He asked her.

"I don't know enough about it. I just wonder if perhaps your heart might be a bit bigger than you want to let on." Rey said to him

"There's some people that say I don't have a heart, at all." He explained.

"Why would they say that?" She asked.

"Because they know me well." He simply answered.

"Go on." He continued as she again looked at her questions.

"Um, do you have any interests outside of work?" Rey asked him.

"I enjoy various physical pursuits." He said as Rey looking at her notes.

"You're unmarried and you're the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Skywalker Solo." She said.

"That's a matter of the public record." He said in a serious tone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't..." She said before Ben cut her off asking "Do you have any actual questions" as he raised his brows at her.

"Yeah, sorry." Rey said as she looked down at her notes.

"Are you gay?" She nervously asked as she looked at him, realizing what she just read that made her chuckled nervously.

"It's written here, I'm just..." Rey nervously said before Ben cut her off again saying "No, Rey. I'm not gay."

"I apologized Mr. Solo, Rose can be..." Rey said before Ben cutting her off asking "Intrusive?"

"Curious." She simply answered.

"What about you?" Ben asked as he got off his seat and took a seat next to Rey which made her blushing.

"Why don't you ask me something that you want to know." He said to her.

"Earlier that you said that there are some people who know you well. Why do I have the feeling that is not true." She said.

Just then, Phasma opened Ben's office door.

"Mr. Solo, your next meeting is in the conference room." She said.

"Cancel it, please. We're not finished yet." He ordered.

"Yes sir." Phasma said and closed the door.

"No, I, um..I can go. It's fine." Rey assured him as Ben said "I would like to know more about you."

"There's not really much to know about me." She said.

"You said you're in English major? Tell me, was it Charlotte Brontë, Jane Austen or Thomas Hardy, who first made you fall in love with literature? He asked her.

"Hardy." She answered with an English accent.

"I would have guessed Jane Austen." He said with a low husky voice as Rey smiled at him.

"What are your plans for after you graduate?" Ben asked Rey.

"I'm just trying to get through finals right now." She said.

"And then?" He asked.

"And then I'm planning on moving here to Seattle with Rose." Rey said.

"We offer an excellent internship program." He said.

"I don't think I'd fit in there." She said feeling unsure about the intership program Ben offered.

"Look at me." Rey said as she laughed.

"I am." Ben said as he escorted Rey to the elevator.

"I hope you got everything you needed." He said.

"I..I think you only answered four questions." Rey said as the elevator arrived, she turned to step into it. Ben noticed the piece of paper containing her questions sticking out of her notebook and he quickly grabbed it.

"Rey." He said as he handed the piece of paper to her.

"Ben." She said as the elevator closed leaving Ben all alone in his office, Rey stepped out of the building and into the rain and took a deep breaths.

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