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"Are you gonna make love to me?" Rey asked him as he looked at her straight in her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Two things: First, I don't make love. I fuck, hard." Ben said to her.

"And the second thing?" Rey questioned him.

"Come." He said holding out his hand for Rey to take as he escorted her towards a room.

"It’s just around this door." He said showing Rey the door that he pointed at.

"What is?" Rey asked him.

"My playroom." He answered.

"Like your Xbox and stuff." She questioned.

"It’s important that you know that you can leave at any time." Ben said firmly to her.

"Why? What's in there?" Rey asked him as she was very curious what's in the room that Ben showed her.

"I meant what I said. The helicopter is on standby to take you whenever you want to go." Ben told her as he didn't want to see what inside of the room but Rey was very curious and demanded him "Ben, just open the door."

Ben began to sigh as he unlock the door as they stepped inside, Rey is visibly shocked at what she saw.

50 Shades Of Solo (Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now