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Rey site to look at her new laptop that she received from Ben.

Ben: Thank you for a most interesting weekend. This laptop is yours. And I'd like you to use it for research.

Rey: Would you now? Is this what our relationship will be like, you ordering me around?

Ben: Oh, I hope so. And what's more, you'd like it.

Rey looked over the contract Ben gave her with list of explanations for the dominant and submissive.

"The following are the terms of a binding contract between the dominant and the submissive. The fundamental purpose of this contract. Is to allow the submissive to explore her sensuality and her limits safely. The dominant and the submissive agree and acknowledge that all that occurs under the terms of this contract will be consensual, confidential and subject to the agreed limits and safety procedures set out in this contract. The submissive will agree to any sexual activity deemed fit and pleasurable by the dominant, accepting those activities, outlined in hard limits." Ben said in voice over.

Rey and Rose began packing their stuffs in their apartment.

"Busy packing for our move to Seattle. Missing that tie..." Rey said in voice over.

Ben was running as he received a message from Rey.

"The submissive agrees to procure oral contraception from a physician of the dominant's choosing. The submissive will not enter into sexual relations with anyone other than the dominant." Ben continued voice over.

Rey and Rose move into their new apartment.

"The submissive will eat regularly, to maintain her health and well-being from a prescribed list of foods. The submissive will not drink to excess smoke or take recreational drugs." He continued voice over.

Ben's at the meeting checking his phone for any messages from Rey.

"The submissive shall always conduct herself in a respectful manner to the dominant, and she'll address him only as Sir, Mr. Solo, or such other title as a dominant may direct." He said as he continued voice over.

Rey received a message from Ben as she continued to read the contract in her bed.

"Growing old here. Have you read the contract? Done your research?" Ben typed as Rey replied "On it...Sir. What should I research?"

"The submissive may not touch the dominant without his expressed permission to do so." Ben said in a voiceover as Ben send another message to Rey.

"Try 'submissive.' Please." He typed.

"The safe word yellow will be used to bring to the attention of the dominant that the submissive is close to her limit. When the safe word red is spoken the dominant's actions will cease completely and immediately." Ben continued voice over as Rey researched submissives on the internet and looking shocked by the photos she found.

"Does the submissive agree to being restrained with hands bound in front? Does the submissive consent to being blindfolded? Does the submissive consent to being gagged? How much pain is the submissive willing to experience?" Ben said as he finished voice over as he was getting inpatient sending another message to Rey.

"Has your research been productive? I'm impatient in Seattle." Ben typed as Rey replied "It has..."

"It was nice knowing you." She typed.

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