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Author's note: Oh snap, this is going to be the last chapter in this story, all I wanna do is cry right now and guys, don't hate and mad at me when I made this chapter, because this chapter is based on the last lines on the movie "50 Shades Of Grey", but not to worry, cause I have one solution for you guys, and this story is having a sequel called "50 Shades Of Temptation"! And time will always tell when I'm going to make a sequel to this story.

Later, Rey heard Ben playing piano and she went downstairs with him.

"That sounds so sad. Everything you play is so sad. You said you were six when you learned, was it because you wanted to please your family?" Rey asked sadly but Ben didn't reply.

"I just want to talk. Why won't you let me in? We should be talking." Rey argued.

"Like normal people?" Ben asked raising a brow at her with an anger look on his face.

"Yeah. Is that so wrong?" Rey argued as she went to touch Ben's face, but Ben pushed her hand away, he then got up and walked away.

"Is this because of the contract? Because I still haven't signed it?" Rey said following him with a distress look on her face.

"Fuck the contract, I think it's a little redundant don't you?" Ben argued.

"So then the rules are redundant too?" Rey argued back.

"No, the rules stand." Ben said firmly.

"And what if I break them?" Rey asked firmly to him.

"Then there'll be consequences." Ben told her in a harsh tone.

"Punishment?" Rey questioned in a fear tone.

"Yes." Ben replied sarcastically.

"Why do you want to punish me?" Rey asked angrily.

"Rey." Ben mumbled.

"Why do you want to hurt me?" Rey asked in a fear tone.

"I would never do anything to you that you couldn't handle." Ben said in a frustrated tone.

"But why do you even want to do anything to me at all, Ben?" Rey cried.

"If I told you, you'd never look at me the same way again." Ben warned her.

"So there is a reason. Tell me. Do you want to punish me right now?" Rey argued.

"Yes, I want to punish you right now." Ben said angrily.

"What if I told you that I feel the same way about being punished as you do about me touching you, would you still want to punish me then?" Rey argued.

"No. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't need to." Ben said to her.

"Why?" Rey questioned but was stopped by Ben "Rey, stop."

"Why do you need to...?" Rey asked before Ben cut her off in an anger tone "Because it's the way I am! Because I'm fifty shades of fucked up."

"Show me then." Rey said as she faced him as her tears began to form in her eyes as they were running down to her face.

"I need you to show me, what you want to do to me. Punish me, show me how bad it can be. I want you to show me the worst. It's the only way I can understand." Rey argued as Ben took her to the playroom.

"Are you sure about this?" Ben asked her.

"Yes." Rey said as he striped her naked.

"Bend over." Ben demanding her as she bent over a table.

"I'm gonna hit you six times, and you're gonna count with me." Ben said in a determine tone before starting to whip Rey's ass with his belt causing her to wince in pain.

"Count, Reyhanne." Ben ordered.

"One." Rey counted as Ben whipped her.

"Two." Rey counted as Ben whipped her again.

"Three." Rey counted as Ben whipped her again.

"Four." Rey counted as Ben whipped her again.

"Five." Rey counted as this time, Ben whipped her and managed to stopped himself as she counted "Six." Before tears rolled down her face.

Ben went to help Rey off the table, but she pushed him away and faced him again as she cried.

"Is this what you really want? You want to...you want to see me like this?" Rey cried.

"Rey." Ben went before Rey cried "Don't come near me. Does this give you pleasure?"

Ben however went to take step closer to her.

"Don't. Don't you dare come near me." Rey said in a fear tone and turned to leave the room.

Ben later came to Rey's room as she lied on her bed, crying.

"Please don't hate me." Ben pleaded.

"You'll never do that to me again. I'm not what you want." Rey sobbed.

"No, you're...you are everything that I want." Ben's eyes widen in shock.

"I've fallen in love with you." Rey confessed.

"No. No, Rey, you can't love me." Ben said firmly.

"I need you to leave. Please." Rey said with no emotions as Ben reluctantly left the room and Rey burst into tears.

The next morning...

Ben sat on a chair as Rey started to get dressed to leave, came downstairs and placed the laptop he gave her on the table.

"I'd like my car back." Rey said with no emotions.

"Dopheld already sold it." Ben mumbled.

"Then I'd like the money he got for it, please." Rey said.

"I'll send you a check." Ben told her.

"Okay." Rey said.

"Dopheld will take you home." Ben said to her as she turned her head and head to the elevator, but Ben followed her.

"Stop." Rey argued but Ben didn't want to stop.

"No!" Rey screamed as Ben abruptly stopped in his tracks. Rey turned and entered the elevator, as the doors about to close.

"Rey." He said.

"Ben." She said giving him one last look before the elevator closed.

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