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At the club...

Where Rey, Daryl, Jessika, Rose and her boyfriend Poe were dancing, partying and drinking.

As the five of them were drinking one shot.

"Did you do it all?" Rose asked as Rey shook her head.

"Alright! With my right eye closed and left handed, I can get this in. Ready? One.. two.." Daryl began until Rey turned to go.

"What?" Rose asked her.

"I need to pee." Rey said urgently as she had been drinking too much.

"Okay." Rose said to her.

"Where you're going?" Daryl asked Rey.

"I gotta go, I need to pee." Rey said as she got up and left.

Rey was standing in the line for the ladies, a drunk Rey decided to call Ben.

"Rey?" Ben asked as he accept Rey's call.

"Yeah, this is me. I'm sending back your expensive books, cause I already have these copies of those. Thanks though for the kind gesture." Rey said.

"You're welcome ." Ben said in a confused tone before quickly added "Where are you?"

"Ohh...I'm in line, cause I have been pee really bad." Rey said as Ben noticed how worried he was with her.

"Rey have you been drinking?" He asked with a worried tone.

"Yeah, I have. Mr. Fancy Pants. You hit the hail...hail on the nead. I mean the head on the nail." Rey said as she was very, very drunk.

"Listen to me, I want you to go home right now!" Ben commanded her.

"You're so bossy!" Rey said before she's doing a mocking impression of Ben's voice "Rey, let's go for a coffee. Rey, let's go for a coffee. No, stay away from me Rey. I don't want you. Get away. Come here, come here. Go away."

"That's it, tell me where you are." Ben ordered.

"A long way from Seattle. Long away from you." Rey mocking him.

"Which bar, what's it called?" Ben asjed her.

Rey ended the call to the girl next to her in line.

"I told him, right?" She smirked while she's on a drunk mode as Ben called Rey back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." She began before Ben cutting off her words "Stay where you are, I'm coming to get you."

"What?" She said before he hung up on her "Hello?"

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