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After finishing work, Rey walked out of the store to see Ben's driver waiting for her as he took her to meet Ben on the roof of a building standing next to his helipcopter.

"Good evening Rey." Ben said softly to her as he opened the helicopter door for Rey as she got in while Ben took the pilot's seat.

"Are you flying this?" Rey asked him as he strapped the seat belts around her.

"No escaping now." Ben said firmly into the radior as he got ready to take off.

"November 1-2-2-4. Charlie Tango. Ready to depart." He said.

"Roger that, Charlie Tango. Your flight plan from Portland to Seattle is cleared." The control center said.

"Seattle? That's where we're going." Ben said as Rey smiled as they took off and Ben flied them to Seattle.

After they took off, Ben took Rey to his apartment at Seattle.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked her as she nodded "Yes please."

He went to get her a drink, Rey was shocked at the expensive looking apartment.

"Wow." Rey said as she walked over the piano.

"Do you play?" She asked Ben.

"Yes." He answered as Rey chuckled to herself.

"Of course you do." Rey said as she looked at the piece of paper on the table.

"What's this?" Rey asked him.

"It’s a non-disclosure agreement. It means that you cannot discuss anything about us with anyone. I’m afraid my lawyer insists on it." Ben told her in a serious tone.

"I’d never talk to anyone about us anyway." Rey said to him as she signed the agreement.

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