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"You must go through quite a few non-disclosure agreements." Rey said.

"My staff know only what I choose to tell them. Please resume, Miss Palpatine." Ben said signaling her to continue reading.

"Also, on page five, there are some terms which need clarification. “Suspension.”" Rey said.

"Hanging on ropes from the ceiling." Ben told her in a serious tone.

"For what possible reason?" Rey asked him.

"For your pleasure." Ben answered.

"Really?" Rey questioned gave him a question look.

"And mine. Something to consider." Ben answered.

"No. Hard limit. “Is bondage acceptable to the submissive?” I’m good with rope. Leather cuffs, hand cuffs. Please lose tape." Rey said shooking her head.

"And, uh, what’s “other”?" She quickly asked him.

"Cable ties." Ben said as Rey smiled.

"Can I just say how impressed I am with your commitment to this meeting? And in that spirit, I’m gonna throw in a new sweeter. How about, once a week, on a night of your choosing, we go on a date. Just like a regular couple, dinner, movie, ice skating. Whatever you want." Ben said to her.

"Accepted. You’re very kind." Rey said agreeing with Ben, knewing that he respect and kind to her.

"I’ll suggest it in Appendix five." Ben said as he and Rey smiled at each other.

After they finished discussing their contract...

"I would like to fuck you into the middle of next week." He said to her as she was facing him.

"You’re not fighting fair." Rey smirked at him.

"I never have." Ben grinned.

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