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At Rey And Rose's Apartment...

As they both finished their final exams as Rose went over to Rey.

"Hey, you all good?" Rose asked her.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Rey said to her.

"We are so partying tonight!" Rose said excitedly.

"Oh my God." Rey chuckled as Rose helps Rey put makeup on her face.

"This is way too much. You're getting it..." Rey protested.

"No, this is exactly the right amount." Rose commented.

"All over my face?" Rey asked.

"That's the idea." Rose answered.

Rey looked at the mirror as she commented "Wow. No, Rose." Until their doorbell rang.

"Cab's early, let's go Rey. And there's a package for you." Rose said as she read the note on the package.

"Why didn't you tell me there was danger? Why didn't you warn me? Ladies knows what to guard against because..." Rose began to read a quote "...they read novels that tells them of these tricks."

"That's a quote from Tess of the d'Urbervilles." Rey said to her.

Rey opened the package as she got three books.

"Oh my God, these must be from Ben." Rey said as she opened one book.

"Do you? I mean...these are incredible." Rey said as she was surprised that these books that she got are from Ben.

"Wow, great." Rose said.

"Rose, these are the first editions, but, I-I can't accept these. I have to send them back." Rey said as they heard a cab honking it's honk.

"That's the cab, are you ready?" Rose asked her.

"Yes." Rey said.

"Are you really though?" Rose asked making sure that Rey's ready.

"Yes, very." Rey said.

"Okay, let's get out of here." Rose said as Rey nodded as they got out of their apartment and got in the cab where their friends Jessika, her boyfriend Poe, and Daryl were waiting for them at the club.

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