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Dan hugged his daughter Rey at the graduation party.

"Dad, hi!" Rey said with a smile.

"I'm so proud of you Reyhanne!" Dan said with a proud smile.

"Thank you!" Rey said with a smile as Dan turned to Rose and said with a smile "And, Rose, best valedictorian speech ever."

"Thank you!" Rose said with a smile.

"It was awesome." Dan said to her.

"Yeah, I agree." Rey said to Rose with a smile.

Just then, Ben joined them.

"Rey? Hi." Ben greeted her.

"Hi." Rey greeted him with a smile.

"Dan, have you met Ben Solo? Rey's boyfriend." Rose said to him.

"Ah. Great pleasure to meet you." Ben said to Rey's dad as he shook his hand.

"Likewise. I really enjoyed your speech." Dan said praising him.

"Thank you, sir." Ben said to him.

"Sounds like you’ve accomplished some pretty impressive things." Dan said to him.

"I’ll say. Well, I’m gonna go find my family, impatiently waiting to embarrass me. Bye." Rose said waving goodbye as she went to find her parents and older sister Paige.

"Come see us in Seattle soon with mom and grandpa?" Rey said to her father.

"Soon as we get an invitation." Dan reassured her before quickly added "So, how long you two known each other?"

"Um..." Rey began didn't know what's the right worda that she's going to say to her father until Ben answered "A few weeks now."

"Mm-hmm." Rey said agree with him.

"We actually met when Anastasia interviewed me for the student newspaper." Ben said to Rey's dad until a graduation photographer came to him.

"A picture please, Mr. Solo." A graduation photographer said to him.

"Excuse us for one second." Ben said to Dan as he nodded while Ben took Rey to one side to be photographed with him.

"Big smile now." A graduation photographer said as Rey smiled uncomfortably as Ben pulled her next to him to be photographed.

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