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WARNING THIS CHAPTER CONTAINED EROTIC MATURE THEMES! I had to warn you, if you're not uncomfortable with the scene, skip the next chapter cause this chapter had erotic, dominating sex scenes.

Ben and Rey stood outside his playroom holding hands.

"You ready?" Ben asked her as she nodded, Ben unlocked his playroom and they entered, as they went inside, Ben kissed Rey.

"Eyes down. Take off your shoes." Ben ordered as Rey kicked off her shoes.

"Arms above your head." Ben ordered in a demanding tone as she put her arms above her head and Ben slowly removed her dress.

"You have a beautiful body, Anastasia. I want you unashamed of your nakedness, do understand?" Ben said firmly.

"Yes, sir." Rey said before biting her lip.

"You’re biting your lip. You know what that does to me, turn around." Ben said as Rey turned around and Ben started platting her hair.

"When I tell you to come into this room this is how you’ll be. You’ll wait for me, kneeling by the door." Ben ordered as Rey kneeled by the door.

"Hands flat on your thighs." Ben ordered in a demanding tone, and Rey do what he said.

"Good." He said before going to get some S&M equipment then stood behind Rey.

"Hold out your hands." Ben ordered as Rey held out her hands, Ben used the tip of a riding crop to stroke her neck and arm then hit the palm of her hand with the riding crop surprising Rey.

"Did that hurt?" Ben asked her as Rey shook her head "No."

"You see? Most of your fear is in your head. Come." Ben said as he strapped Rey's arms aboved her head, then proceeded to act out his sexual desires on her after which he started to whip her using the riding crop.

"How does that feel?" Ben asked her.

"Good." Rey answered.

After Ben playfully hit Rey a couple of times.

"Quiet." Ben said and began proceeding to have sex with Rey.

After having sex, Ben carried Rey in his arms to her bedroom.

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