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Rey's at the cash register as she bagged up Ben's things.

"Thank you for answering Rose's questions by the way, she was thrilled." Rey said with a smile as Ben chuckled "Well, I hope she's feeling better."

"She is. Yeah, much. She's just having a hard time clearing a photo of you." Rey said to him.

"If she'd like an original, I'm around tomorrow." Ben said with a glance look on his face.

"You'd be willing to do that?" Rey asked him.

"Yeah." Ben said with a nod until Temmin came up behind Rey and puts his hands around her shoulder.

"Want me to bag it up for you Rey?" Temmin asked her as he want to help her as she shook her head and said "Oh. Uh, no, no, no. I'm good. Thanks though, Temmin." As Ben gave Temmin a cold look as he walked away.

"Okay." Rey said in a question tone as Ben placed his business card on the counter.

"I'm staying locally at the Heathman. Call me before ten." Ben said as Rey looked at him confused.

"About those photos." Ben said as Rey almost forgot "Oh, yeah. I will." As Rey took his business card.

"Enjoy your..." Rey said as she cut off as she saw Ben turned around and left the shop, as Rey watched him through the window as he gave his bag to his driver, and got into his car.

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