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Daryl is taking pictures of Ben as Rose and Rey watched from the side.

"Thanks again for doing this, Mr. Solo." Rose said with a smile.

"I'm happy to help." Ben said.

"Uh...how about if we try a few with a smile?" Daryl asked with a nervous tone as he took more photos of Ben, but Ben still wasn't smiling.

"Or not." Daryl said nervously as Rey and Rose watched Ben being photograph.

"You do realize that he hasn't stopped looking at you?" Rose asked with a sly smile.

"He asked me to go for coffee afterwards." Rey said.

"What?" Rose said and laughed.

"Rose, sshh." Rey shushed her.

After the photoshoot, Rey and Ben walk down to the hotel corridor.

"So, is he your boyfriend?" Ben asked.

"Who?" Rey asked.

"The photographer." Ben said as he meant Daryl.

"Daryl? No." Rey said with a laugh.

"I saw the way he was smiling to you." Ben said in a jealous tone.

Rey could tell that Ben Solo is jealous all right.

"No, Daryl is more like a family. He's not my boyfriend." Rey said.

"What about the guy at the store?" Ben said as Rey looked at him with shock.

"Temmin? No." Rey said.

Rey and Ben are sitting at the coffee shop, where Ben pured tea for Rey.

"Thanks." Rey said as Ben could tell that she was nervous.

"You seem nervous." Ben said in a serious husky tone.

"I find you intimidating." Rey answered.

"You should." Ben said as he placed a muffin in front of Rey.

"Eat." He commanded to her.

"Not to mention high-handed." Rey said before she ate the muffin.

"I'm used to getting my own way." Ben said.

"Well it must be getting boring." She said.

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