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The next morning Ben walked in on Rey who was fully clothed as she had heir hair on a messy bun and she wore Ben's netflix and chill shirt and her cotton pajama pants as she was dancing as she fixed breakfast, as Ben startling her.

"You're energetic this morning." Ben smirked at her.

"You're hungry?" She asked him.

"Very." He answered.

"Cause I’m making pancakes." Rey said with a smile.

After eating breakfast, Ben kissed Rey's hand and said "Let’s get you cleaned up." As Rey nodded.

At Ben's luxury bathroom, Rey shyly got undressed and got in the bathtub, as Ben himself joined her at the bathtub as well.

After bathing together, Ben kissed Rey.

"Do you trust me?" He asked her as she nodded as Ben removed the towel from Rey's body and let down her hair.

"Stay here." Ben ordered as he went to his closet and got one of his ties.

"Hold out your wrists?" He ordered her as Rey hold out her wrists, Ben tied them together with his tie then dropped her onto his bed, with her arms above her head as he lied down on top of her.

"Hold them there, understand?" He said to her as Rey smiled at him.

"Tell me you understand." He told her firmly.

"I won't move my arms." She said to him.

"Good girl." He praised at her as Ben moved gently down her body, Rey moved her arms but Ben quickly pushed them over again.

"Stay still." He ordered.

"Okay." She said as Ben moved down her body again.

"Say yes." Ben told her.

"Yes what?" Rey asked with a question look on her face.

"To being mine." He answered just as he's about to go down on her, Ben's mother Leia called out to him "Ben!"

"Shit, it's my mother." He said as Rey laughed while he started to untie her wrists.

"I'm naked." Rey said getting very embarrassed as Ben ordered "Get dressed." To her.

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