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At the graduation ceremony...

"And he's also a major benefactor to our university. Please join me in welcoming, Mr. Benjamin Organa Skywalker Solo." The head of the university, Obi Wan announced as the crowd clapped for Ben as he got up to give speech.

"Thank you. I am deeply moved by the great compliment accorded to me today." Ben said as he was giving his speech, Rey overheard Kaydel and Delilah talking about him.

"He is so hot." Kaydel said in a sweet seductive flirty tone as Delilah giggled at her comment.

"Oh, my gosh. He so is." Delilah said agreeing with Kaydel as Rey felt disgust at them as she smirked "I heard he's gay." As Ben continued to give his speech at the graduation ceremony.

"Sustainable methods of farming for third world countries. The goal? To eradicate hunger and poverty across the globe. I myself have known what it's like to be profoundly hungry. So this is a very personal mission for me." He announced as the crowd clapped.

Later as Rey got her graduate certificate on the podium she walked over to Ben and shook his hand.

"Congratulations, you must be very proud." Ben grinned.

"I am." Rey said before noticing his new tie "Nice tie, by the way." She said with a smirk.


Truthfully it's become my favorite. Do you have your answer yet?" Ben whispered quietly in her ear.

"I'm still thinking." She whispered quietly.

"Reyhanne, just try it my way. Please." Ben whispered quietly.

"Okay." Rey said.

"What?" Ben questioned gave her a question look as Rey smiled and walked away.

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